Louie L.
Louie L.
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PreprintNiche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics( 2011-01) Gobler, Christopher J. ; Berry, Dianna L. ; Dyhrman, Sonya T. ; Wilhelm, Steven W. ; Salamov, Asaf ; Lobanov, Alexei V. ; Zhang, Yan ; Collier, Jackie L. ; Wurch, Louie L. ; Kustka, Adam B. ; Dill, Brian D. ; Shah, Manesh ; VerBerkmoes, Nathan C. ; Kuo, Alan J. ; Terry, Astrid ; Pangilinan, Jasmyn ; Lindquist, Erika A. ; Lucas, Susan ; Paulsen, Ian T. ; Hattenrath-Lehmann, Theresa K. ; Talmage, Stephanie C. ; Walker, Elyse A. ; Koch, Florian ; Burson, Amanda M. ; Marcoval, Maria Alejandra ; Tang, Ying-Zhong ; LeCleir, Gary R. ; Coyne, Kathryn J. ; Berg, Gry M. ; Bertrand, Erin M. ; Saito, Mak A. ; Gladyshev, Vadim N. ; Grigoriev, Igor V.Harmful algal blooms (HABs) cause significant economic and ecological damage worldwide. Despite considerable efforts, a comprehensive understanding of the factors that promote these blooms has been lacking because the biochemical pathways that facilitate their dominance relative to other phytoplankton within specific environments have not been identified. Here, biogeochemical measurements demonstrated that the harmful 43 Aureococcus anophagefferens outcompeted co-occurring phytoplankton in estuaries with elevated levels of dissolved organic matter and turbidity and low levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. We subsequently sequenced the first HAB genome (A. anophagefferens) and compared its gene complement to those of six competing phytoplankton species identified via metaproteomics. Using an ecogenomic approach, we specifically focused on the gene sets that may facilitate dominance within the environmental conditions present during blooms. A. anophagefferens possesses a larger genome (56 mbp) and more genes involved in light harvesting, organic carbon and nitrogen utilization, and encoding selenium- and metal-requiring enzymes than competing phytoplankton. Genes for the synthesis of microbial deterrents likely permit the proliferation of this species with reduced mortality losses during blooms. Collectively, these findings suggest that anthropogenic activities resulting in elevated levels of turbidity, organic matter, and metals have opened a niche within coastal ecosystems that ideally suits the unique genetic capacity of A. anophagefferens and thus has facilitated the proliferation of this and potentially other HABs.
ArticleProteome changes driven by phosphorus deficiency and recovery in the brown tide-forming alga Aureococcus anophagefferens(Public Library of Science, 2011-12-14) Wurch, Louie L. ; Bertrand, Erin M. ; Saito, Mak A. ; Van Mooy, Benjamin A. S. ; Dyhrman, Sonya T.Shotgun mass spectrometry was used to detect proteins in the harmful alga, Aureococcus anophagefferens, and monitor their relative abundance across nutrient replete (control), phosphate-deficient (−P) and −P refed with phosphate (P-refed) conditions. Spectral counting techniques identified differentially abundant proteins and demonstrated that under phosphate deficiency, A. anophagefferens increases proteins involved in both inorganic and organic phosphorus (P) scavenging, including a phosphate transporter, 5′-nucleotidase, and alkaline phosphatase. Additionally, an increase in abundance of a sulfolipid biosynthesis protein was detected in −P and P-refed conditions. Analysis of the polar membrane lipids showed that cellular concentrations of the sulfolipid sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG) were nearly two-fold greater in the −P condition versus the control condition, while cellular phospholipids were approximately 8-fold less. Transcript and protein abundances were more tightly coupled for gene products involved in P metabolism compared to those involved in a range of other metabolic functions. Comparison of protein abundances between the −P and P-refed conditions identified differences in the timing of protein degradation and turnover. This suggests that culture studies examining nutrient starvation responses will be valuable in interpreting protein abundance patterns for cellular nutritional status and history in metaproteomic datasets.
ArticleLong serial analysis of gene expression for gene discovery and transcriptome profiling in the widespread marine coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi(American Society for Microbiology, 2006-01) Dyhrman, Sonya T. ; Haley, Sheean T. ; Birkeland, Shanda R. ; Wurch, Louie L. ; Cipriano, Michael J. ; McArthur, Andrew G.The abundant and widespread coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi plays an important role in mediating CO2 exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere through its impact on marine photosynthesis and calcification. Here, we use long serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) to identify E. huxleyi genes responsive to nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) starvation. Long SAGE is an elegant approach for examining quantitative and comprehensive gene expression patterns without a priori knowledge of gene sequences via the detection of 21-bp nucleotide sequence tags. E. huxleyi appears to have a robust transcriptional-level response to macronutrient deficiency, with 42 tags uniquely present or up-regulated twofold or greater in the N-starved library and 128 tags uniquely present or up-regulated twofold or greater in the P-starved library. The expression patterns of several tags were validated with reverse transcriptase PCR. Roughly 48% of these differentially expressed tags could be mapped to publicly available genomic or expressed sequence tag (EST) sequence data. For example, in the P-starved library a number of the tags mapped to genes with a role in P scavenging, including a putative phosphate-repressible permease and a putative polyphosphate synthetase. In short, the long SAGE analyses have (i) identified many new differentially regulated gene sequences, (ii) assigned regulation data to EST sequences with no database homology and unknown function, and (iii) highlighted previously uncharacterized aspects of E. huxleyi N and P physiology. To this end, our long SAGE libraries provide a new public resource for gene discovery and transcriptional analysis in this biogeochemically important marine organism.
ArticleTranscriptional shifts highlight the role of nutrients in harmful brown tide dynamics(Frontiers Media, 2019-02-12) Wurch, Louie L. ; Alexander, Harriet ; Frischkorn, Kyle R. ; Haley, Sheean T. ; Gobler, Christopher J. ; Dyhrman, Sonya T.Harmful algal blooms (HABs) threaten ecosystems and human health worldwide. Controlling nitrogen inputs to coastal waters is a common HAB management strategy, as nutrient concentrations often suggest coastal blooms are nitrogen-limited. However, defining best nutrient management practices is a long-standing challenge: in part, because of difficulties in directly tracking the nutritional physiology of harmful species in mixed communities. Using metatranscriptome sequencing and incubation experiments, we addressed this challenge by assaying the in situ physiological ecology of the ecosystem destructive alga, Aureococcus anophagefferens. Here we show that gene markers of phosphorus deficiency were expressed in situ, and modulated by the enrichment of phosphorus, which was consistent with the observed growth rate responses. These data demonstrate the importance of phosphorus in controlling brown-tide dynamics, suggesting that phosphorus, in addition to nitrogen, should be evaluated in the management and mitigation of these blooms. Given that nutrient concentrations alone were suggestive of a nitrogen-limited ecosystem, this study underscores the value of directly assaying harmful algae in situ for the development of management strategies.
ThesisMolecular insights into the niche of harmful brown tides(Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2011-09) Wurch, Louie L.Recurrent brown tide blooms caused by the harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens have decimated coastal ecosystems and shellfisheries along the Eastern U.S. and South Africa. The exact mechanisms controlling bloom formation, sustenance, and decline are unclear, however bottom-up factors such as nutrient type and supply are thought to be critical. Traditional assays for studying algal nutrient physiology require bulk community measurements or in situ nutrient perturbations. Although useful, these techniques lack the ability to target individual species in complex, mixed microbial assemblages. The motivation for this thesis is to examine the metabolic strategies utilized by A. anophagefferens for meeting its nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) demand at the cellular level using molecular tools that, even in the presence of complex microbial assemblages, can be used to track how nutrients influence the bloom dynamics of A. anophagefferens in the environment. Chapter two examines the global transcriptional responses of A. anophagefferens to N and P deficiency. Results demonstrate that A. anophagefferens has the capacity to utilize multiple forms of organic N and P when inorganic forms become unavailable. Chapter three analyzed the global protein changes in response to P deficiency and P re-supply. Consistent with transcript patterns, A. anophagefferens increases protein abundance for a number of genes involved in inorganic and organic P metabolism when inorganic P is deficient. Furthermore, increases in a sulfolipid biosynthesis protein combined with lipid data suggest A. anophagefferens can adjust its P requirement by switching from phospholipids to sulfolipids when inorganic P is unavailable. Analysis of protein abundances from P-deficient cells that were re-fed inorganic P demonstrates variations in the timing of turnover among various proteins upon release from phosphate deficiency. Chapter four tests the expression patterns of candidate gene markers of nutrient physiology under controlled culture experiments. Results show that expression patterns of a phosphate transporter and xanthine/uracil/vitamin C permease are indicators of P and N deficiency, respectively. Taken together, these findings provide insight into the fundamental and ecological niche space of this harmful algal species with respect to N and P and provide a platform for assaying nutrient controls on natural brown tide blooms.