James R.
James R.
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Technical ReportExperimental stress analysis of model of emergency forebody release device used in deep diving research submarines Alvin, Sea Cliff and Turtle(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1969-08) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Sullivan, James R.Tests were conducted on a full-scale model of the emergency forebody release used in the deep-diving submarines ALVIN, SEA CLIFF and TURTLE. The model was machined from metal to the same dimensional tolerances as the prototype. Resistance strain gages, attached to the model, permitted measurement of forces on component parts of the device. Of primary concern was the bending stress which might be set up in the release operating shaft when the submarine is submerged in an inclined position. Tests were arranged to simulate three possible conditions of loading of the release device at a 30 degree vehicle list angle: case (1) righting moment of inclined forebody resisted by release components only; case (2) righting moment resisted by release with assistance from lower guides; and (3) righting moment resisted by couple set up by release and rubber support ring. Test results show that shaft bending stresses (for ALVIN) are high (200,000 psi) for the case (1) condition, lower (400,000 - 90,000 psi) for case (2) and essentially zero for case (3). The conclusion is that the present forebody release design is adequate for all submarine attitudes encountered in normal operation, provided the vehicle has been assembled so that contact between sphere and rubber ring is assured at all times.
Technical ReportTorque tests of a full size model of the Alvin/AUTEC emergency sphere release(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1970-11) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Sullivan, James R.Laboratory torque tests were perfoirmed using an actual emergency sphere release shaft of the type used in the research submarines ALVIN, SEA CLIFF and TURTLE. A test fixture was constructed which permitted laboratory simulation of the side (squeezing) forces applied to the release shaft came as a result of forebody buoyancy. Estimated full-scale side forces were applied to the cam by a laboratory compression testing machine, and the torque required to rotate the shaft was measured. Tests were run with contacting surfaces (a) clean and dry, (b) greased, and (c) immersed in sea water. From the test results, values of release torque were calculated for the submarines in question. Coefficient of friction values of the contrating materials (Monel K-500 on phosphor bronze) also are reported.
Technical ReportA pendulum inclinometer for use with small deep-submersibles(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976-09) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Sullivan, James R.The authors developed a pendulum inclinometer suitable for use with small deepsubmersibles or surface craft. The instrument uses a relatively short heavy pendulum and a viscous damping system for minimizing the effects of unwanted oscilatory motion. The pendulum relative motion is transmitted to the dial pointer through a flexible cord. The mechanism is designed so that the inclinometer gives a direct reading of the tangent of the angle of inclination. Adjustments are provided for leveling the instrument and for setting the dial to zero. Upper and lower clamping devices protect the pendulum suspension from damage during transit. The inclinometer has been used successfully in recent inclining experiments for the small research submarine Alvin.
Working PaperTests of propellers for Alvin side propulsion units(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1967-07) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Sullivan, James R.Full scale dynamometer tests were run on a series of unshrouded propellers in the range of propeller diameters considered practical for use on the side propulsion units of the research submarine ALVIN. Measurements taken included static thrust, torque, and RPM for various values of hydraulic power input to the driving motor. In other tests, propellers having 14 inch diameter and 20 inch pitch (the present ALVIN configuration) were compared for static thrust as follows: conventional blade shape, unshrouded; conventional blade shape in ALVIN flow-accelerating nozzle unit; square-ended blades in ALVIN nozzle unit. Recommendations are given concerning the proposed new ALVIN side propulsion units.