Oceanus (Ship : 1975-) Cruise OC154

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  • Technical Report
    The Long Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS) : cruise summary and hydrographic data report : Oceanus 154, May 1984
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984-10) Montgomery, Ellyn T. ; Pennington, Nancy J. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G.
    OCEANUS cruise 154 (16-23 May 1984) was the final cruise in the two year field program of the Long Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS). The work occurred primarily in the LOTUS area (34°N, 70°W), where the entire moored array was recovered. The moorings were the following: the LOTUS-6 surface mooring (No. 792), a subsurface mooring (No. 788), two intermediate moorings (Nos. 789, 790), and a C. S. Draper Labs profiling current meter (PCMlH) mooring. Also on OCEANUS 154, a mooring was deployed for the U. S. Geological Survey at approximately 40°10'N, 69°58'W. On the return trip, an engineering test mooring was recovered at approximately 39°11'N, 70°01'W, some elements removed for testing, and then redeployed in the same location. This report presents the hydrographic data collected on OCEANUS 154, as well as providing details of the work that was accomplished.