Oceanus (Ship : 1975-) Cruise OC85

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  • Technical Report
    Long Term Upper Ocean Study (Lotus) : a summary of the historical data and engineering test data
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1982-12) Trask, Richard P. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G. ; Pennington, Nancy J.
    Plans for the Long Term Upper Ocean Study evolved over several years. As the plans became more definite a two year period was devoted to engineering tests at the LOTUS site (34°N, 70°W). Many aspects of the proposed plans were implemented during this period in order to evaluate the performance of the equipment and instrumentation. This report presents a summary of the planning and testing periods up to but not including the first science deployments in May 1982. Historical data collected at the LOTUS site prior to the engineering tests and the data collected as part of the engineering tests are presented.