Ecosystems Center
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The Ecosystems Center carries out research in ecosystems that range from the Arctic to the Antarctic, from Brazil to Martha’s Vineyard. In the Alaskan Arctic, scientists study the effect of warmer temperatures on tundra, stream and lake ecosystems. On the Arctic rivers of Eurasia, they measure how freshwater discharge is changing as the climate warms. On the western Antarctic peninsula, research focuses on the responses of the marine coastal ecosystem to rapid climate warming. In the western Amazon in Brazil, researchers assess how much the clearing of tropical forests will change the amount of greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere, while on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, scientists used controlled burns to restore coastal ecosystems. In central Massachusetts and in Abisko, Sweden, soil warming experiments are conducted to assess the forest’s response to climate warming. In northeastern Massachusetts, scientists study how changes in rural land use and urban development affect the flow of nutrients and organic matter into New England estuaries. In Boston Harbor, they measure the transfer of nitrogen from sediments to the water column as the harbor recovers from decades of sewage addition.
Recent Submissions
ArticleSimulated plant-mediated oxygen input has strong impacts on fine-scale porewater biogeochemistry and weak impacts on integrated methane fluxes in coastal wetlands(American Chemical Society, 2024-05-23)Methane (CH4) emissions from wetland ecosystems are controlled by redox conditions in the soil, which are currently underrepresented in Earth system models. Plant-mediated radial oxygen loss (ROL) can increase soil O2 availability, affect local redox conditions, and cause heterogeneous distribution of redox-sensitive chemical species at the root scale, which would affect CH4 emissions integrated over larger scales. In this study, we used a subsurface geochemical simulator (PFLOTRAN) to quantify the effects of incorporating either spatially homogeneous ROL or more complex heterogeneous ROL on model predictions of porewater solute concentration depth profiles (dissolved organic carbon, methane, sulfate, sulfide) and column integrated CH4 fluxes for a tidal coastal wetland. From the heterogeneous ROL simulation, we obtained 18% higher column averaged CH4 concentration at the rooting zone but 5% lower total CH4 flux compared to simulations of the homogeneous ROL or without ROL. This difference is because lower CH4 concentrations occurred in the same rhizosphere volume that was directly connected with plant-mediated transport of CH4 from the rooting zone to the atmosphere. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the impacts of heterogeneous ROL on model predictions of porewater oxygen and sulfide concentrations will be more important under conditions of higher ROL fluxes or more heterogeneous root distribution (lower root densities). Despite the small impact on predicted CH4 emissions, the simulated ROL drastically reduced porewater concentrations of sulfide, an effective phytotoxin, indicating that incorporating ROL combined with sulfur cycling into ecosystem models could potentially improve predictions of plant productivity in coastal wetland ecosystems.
ArticleGlobal subterranean estuaries modify groundwater nutrient loading to the ocean(Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), 2024-05-16)Terrestrial groundwater travels through subterranean estuaries before reaching the sea. Groundwater-derived nutrients drive coastal water quality, primary production, and eutrophication. We determined how dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) are transformed within subterranean estuaries and estimated submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) nutrient loads compiling > 10,000 groundwater samples from 216 sites worldwide. Nutrients exhibited complex, nonconservative behavior in subterranean estuaries. Fresh groundwater DIN and DIP are usually produced, and DON is consumed during transport. Median total SGD (saline and fresh) fluxes globally were 5.4, 2.6, and 0.18 Tmol yr−1 for DIN, DON, and DIP, respectively. Despite large natural variability, total SGD fluxes likely exceed global riverine nutrient export. Fresh SGD is a small source of new nutrients, but saline SGD is an important source of mostly recycled nutrients. Nutrients exported via SGD via subterranean estuaries are critical to coastal biogeochemistry and a significant nutrient source to the oceans.
ArticleEnvironmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra(Nature Research, 2024-05-17)Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems are large reservoirs of organic carbon1,2. Climate warming may stimulate ecosystem respiration and release carbon into the atmosphere3,4. The magnitude and persistency of this stimulation and the environmental mechanisms that drive its variation remain uncertain5,6,7. This hampers the accuracy of global land carbon–climate feedback projections7,8. Here we synthesize 136 datasets from 56 open-top chamber in situ warming experiments located at 28 arctic and alpine tundra sites which have been running for less than 1 year up to 25 years. We show that a mean rise of 1.4 °C [confidence interval (CI) 0.9–2.0 °C] in air and 0.4 °C [CI 0.2–0.7 °C] in soil temperature results in an increase in growing season ecosystem respiration by 30% [CI 22–38%] (n = 136). Our findings indicate that the stimulation of ecosystem respiration was due to increases in both plant-related and microbial respiration (n = 9) and continued for at least 25 years (n = 136). The magnitude of the warming effects on respiration was driven by variation in warming-induced changes in local soil conditions, that is, changes in total nitrogen concentration and pH and by context-dependent spatial variation in these conditions, in particular total nitrogen concentration and the carbon:nitrogen ratio. Tundra sites with stronger nitrogen limitations and sites in which warming had stimulated plant and microbial nutrient turnover seemed particularly sensitive in their respiration response to warming. The results highlight the importance of local soil conditions and warming-induced changes therein for future climatic impacts on respiration.
ArticleCharacterizing spatial and temporal trends in net sediment accumulation in seagrass meadows(Springer, 2024-05-18)Seagrass meadows are known as hot spots for carbon accumulation, but there is limited field data on the variability of sediment accumulation across time and space. We developed a method to assess spatial and temporal heterogeneity in net sediment accumulation in seagrass meadows using small, inexpensive samplers, allowing for over 200 unique measurements across multiple transects within our study site. Using this method, we assessed sediment accumulation across seagrass meadow edges, and in varying weather conditions. We found the greatest accumulation of sediment 5 m outside of seagrass meadow edges, with sediment accumulation rates averaging just under 100 g m−2 day−1, though rates were highly variable. Carbon accumulation from settled sediment was generally greater outside of seagrass meadow edges than within the bed, especially at sites undergoing recent expansion. Measurements made during tropical storms showed both scouring of sediment away from sites, and increased accumulation, depending on site properties as well as individual tropical storm characteristics. In the storm that had a measurable storm surge, scouring of sediment was a more dominant mechanism, whereas deposition dominated in the storm that had high winds but no associated storm surge. Our data demonstrate the necessity of including measurements that characterize both spatial and meteorological variability to develop a more holistic understanding of the movement of sediment and particulate organic carbon associated with seagrass meadows, especially as meadow area becomes increasingly fragmented with human activity and global change.
ArticleAbove- and belowground plant mercury dynamics in a salt marsh estuary in Massachusetts, USA(European Geosciences Union, 2024-03-20)Estuaries are a conduit of mercury (Hg) from watersheds to the coastal ocean, and salt marshes play an important role in coastal Hg cycling. Hg cycling in upland terrestrial ecosystems has been well studied, but processes in densely vegetated salt marsh ecosystems are poorly characterized. We investigated Hg dynamics in vegetation and soils in the Plum Island Sound estuary in Massachusetts, USA, and specifically assessed the role of marsh vegetation for Hg deposition and turnover. Monthly quantitative harvesting of aboveground biomass showed strong linear seasonal increases in Hg associated with plants, with a 4-fold increase in Hg concentration and an 8-fold increase in standing Hg mass from June (3.9 ± 0.2 µg kg−1 and 0.7 ± 0.4 µg m−2, respectively) to November (16.2 ± 2.0 µg kg−1 and 5.7 ± 2.1 µg m−2, respectively). Hg did not increase further in aboveground biomass after plant senescence, indicating physiological controls of vegetation Hg uptake in salt marsh plants. Hg concentrations in live roots and live rhizomes were 11 and 2 times higher than concentrations in live aboveground biomass, respectively. Furthermore, live belowground biomass Hg pools (Hg in roots and rhizomes, 108.1 ± 83.4 µg m−2) were more than 10 times larger than peak standing aboveground Hg pools (9.0 ± 3.3 µg m−2). A ternary mixing model of measured stable Hg isotopes suggests that Hg sources in marsh aboveground tissues originate from about equal contributions of root uptake (∼ 35 %), precipitation uptake (∼ 33 %), and atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) uptake (∼ 32 %). These results suggest a more important role of Hg transport from belowground (i.e., roots) to aboveground tissues in salt marsh vegetation than upland vegetation, where GEM uptake is generally the dominant Hg source. Roots and soils showed similar isotopic signatures, suggesting that belowground tissue Hg mostly derived from soil uptake. Annual root turnover results in large internal Hg recycling between soils and plants, estimated at 58.6 µg m−2 yr−1. An initial mass balance of Hg indicates that the salt marsh presently serves as a small net Hg sink for environmental Hg of 5.2 µg m−2 yr−1.
ArticleMicrobial responses to long-term warming differ across soil microenvironments(Oxford University Press, 2024-04-06)Soil carbon loss is likely to increase due to climate warming, but microbiomes and microenvironments may dampen this effect. In a 30-year warming experiment, physical protection within soil aggregates affected the thermal responses of soil microbiomes and carbon dynamics. In this study, we combined metagenomic analysis with physical characterization of soil aggregates to explore mechanisms by which microbial communities respond to climate warming across different soil microenvironments. Long-term warming decreased the relative abundances of genes involved in degrading labile compounds (e.g. cellulose), but increased those genes involved in degrading recalcitrant compounds (e.g. lignin) across aggregate sizes. These changes were observed in most phyla of bacteria, especially for Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, and Planctomycetes. Microbial community composition was considerably altered by warming, leading to declined diversity for bacteria and fungi but not for archaea. Microbial functional genes, diversity, and community composition differed between macroaggregates and microaggregates, indicating the essential role of physical protection in controlling microbial community dynamics. Our findings suggest that microbes have the capacity to employ various strategies to acclimate or adapt to climate change (e.g. warming, heat stress) by shifting functional gene abundances and community structures in varying microenvironments, as regulated by soil physical protection.
ArticleEmpirical dynamic modeling reveals complexity of methane fluxes in a temperate salt marsh(American Geophysical Union, 2024-02-20)Methane dynamics within salt marshes are complex because vegetation types, temperature, oscillating water levels, and changes in salinity and redox conditions influence CH4 production, consumption, oxidation, and emissions. These non-linear and complex interactions among variables affect the traditionally expected functional relationships and present challenges for interpreting and developing process-based models. We employed empirical dynamic modeling (EDM) and convergent cross mapping (CCM) as a novel approach for characterizing seasonal/multiday and diurnal CH4 dynamics by inferring causal variables, lags, and interconnections among multiple biophysical variables within a temperate salt marsh using 5 years of eddy covariance data. EDM/CCM is a nonparametric approach capable of quantifying the coupling between variables while determining time scales where variable interactions are the most relevant. We found that gross primary productivity, tidal creek dissolved oxygen, and temperature were important for seasonal/multiday dynamics (rho = 0.73–0.80), while water level was most important for diurnal dynamics during both the growing and dormancy phenoperiods (rho = 0.72 and 0.56, respectively). Lags for the top-ranked variables (i.e., gross primary productivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, water level) occurred between 1 and 5 weeks at the seasonal scale and 1–24 hr at the diurnal scale. The EDM had high prediction capabilities for intra-/inter-seasonal patterns and annual CH4 sums but had limitations in representing large, infrequent fluxes. Results highlight the importance of non-linearity, drivers, lag times, and interconnections among multiple biophysical variables that regulate CH4 fluxes in tidal wetlands. This research introduces a novel approach to examining CH4 fluxes, which will aid in evaluating current paradigms in wetlands and other ecosystems.
ArticleNet greenhouse gas balance in U.S. croplands: How can soils be part of the climate solution(Wiley, 2023-12-29)Agricultural soils play a dual role in regulating the Earth's climate by releasing or sequestering carbon dioxide (CO2) in soil organic carbon (SOC) and emitting non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). To understand how agricultural soils can play a role in climate solutions requires a comprehensive assessment of net soil GHG balance (i.e., sum of SOC-sequestered CO2 and non-CO2 GHG emissions) and the underlying controls. Herein, we used a model-data integration approach to understand and quantify how natural and anthropogenic factors have affected the magnitude and spatiotemporal variations of the net soil GHG balance in U.S. croplands during 1960–2018. Specifically, we used the dynamic land ecosystem model for regional simulations and used field observations of SOC sequestration rates and N2O and CH4 emissions to calibrate, validate, and corroborate model simulations. Results show that U.S. agricultural soils sequestered 13.2 +- 1.16 Tg CO2-C year−1 in SOC (at a depth of 3.5 m) during 1960–2018 and emitted 0.39 +- 0.02 Tg N2O-N year−1 and 0.21 +- 0.01 Tg CH4-C year−1, respectively. Based on the GWP100 metric (global warming potential on a 100-year time horizon), the estimated national net GHG emission rate from agricultural soils was 122.3 +- 11.46 Tg CO2-eq year−1, with the largest contribution from N2O emissions. The sequestered SOC offset ~28% of the climate-warming effects resulting from non-CO2 GHG emissions, and this offsetting effect increased over time. Increased nitrogen fertilizer use was the dominant factor contributing to the increase in net GHG emissions during 1960–2018, explaining ~47% of total changes. In contrast, reduced cropland area, the adoption of agricultural conservation practices (e.g., reduced tillage), and rising atmospheric CO2 levels attenuated net GHG emissions from U.S. croplands. Improving management practices to mitigate N2O emissions represents the biggest opportunity for achieving net-zero emissions in U.S. croplands. Our study highlights the importance of concurrently quantifying SOC-sequestered CO2 and non-CO2 GHG emissions for developing effective agricultural climate change mitigation measures.
ArticleAn example of accelerated changes in current and future ecosystem trajectories: unexpected rapid transitions in salt marsh vegetation forced by sea level rise(Elsevier, 2024-01-13)Accelerated sea level rise has forced greater changes in the vegetation of Great Sippewissett Marsh during the recent few years than were recorded in the previous half century. Even with conservative estimates of sea level rise, accretion in the salt marsh platform would be insufficient to match submergence, but in addition, a new set of cascading changes seem to be accelerating the transformation of the Great Sippewissett Marsh vegetation mosaic, including conversion of cover by short to taller Spartina alterniflora, leading to lowering below-ground biomass and weakening of sediment columns, while the greater above-ground biomass increases wrack that strands and smothers high marsh vegetation. In addition, a salt-tolerant variant of Phragmites australis has begun to aggressively invade upper elevations of Great Sippewissett Marsh, replacing high marsh species cover, as well as dominating adjoining low-lying areas that might have allowed salt marsh landward migration as sea level effects increase. In many parts of Great Sippewissett Marsh, area of high marsh is steadily diminishing, taller S. alterniflora has extended upwards in areas previously supporting high marsh species, but its landward progress is now impeded by competition and shading by the phalanx of P. australis that has extended down-slope. The vegetation gradient in Great Sippewissett Marsh—and other salt marshes—is in rapid transition, and its decadal future seems in doubt.
ArticleDissolved major and trace elements in the largest Eurasian arctic rivers: Ob, Yenisey, Lena, and Kolyma(MDPI, 2024-01-17)In contrast to fairly good knowledge of dissolved carbon and major elements in great Arctic rivers, seasonally resolved concentrations of many trace elements remain poorly characterized, hindering assessment of the current status and possible future changes in the hydrochemistry of the Eurasian Arctic. To fill this gap, here we present results for a broad suite of trace elements in the largest rivers of the Russian Arctic (Ob, Yenisey, Lena, and Kolyma). For context, we also present results for major elements that are more routinely measured in these rivers. Water samples for this study were collected during an international campaign called PARTNERS from 2004 through 2006. A comparison of element concentrations obtained for Arctic rivers in this study with average concentrations in the world’s rivers shows that most elements in the Arctic rivers are similar to or significantly lower than the world average. The mineral content of the three greatest rivers (Ob, Yenisey, and Lena) varies within a narrow range (from 107 mg/L for Yenisey to 123 mg/L for Ob). The Kolyma’s mineral content is significantly lower (52.4 mg/L). Fluxes of all major and trace elements were calculated using average concentrations and average water discharge for the 2004–2006 period. Based on these flux estimates, specific export (i.e., t/km2/y) for most of the elements was greatest for the Lena, followed by the Yenisey, Ob, and Kolyma in decreasing order. Element pairwise correlation analysis identified several distinct groups of elements depending on their sources and relative mobility in the river water. There was a negative correlation between Fe and DOC concentration in the Ob River, which could be linked to different sources of these components in this river. The annual yields of major and trace elements calculated for each river were generally consistent with values assessed for other mid-size and small rivers of the Eurasian subarctic.
ArticleDiversity at single nucleotide to pangenome scales among sulfur cycling bacteria in salt marshes(American Society for Microbiology, 2023-10-26)Sulfur-cycling microbial communities in salt marsh rhizosphere sediments mediate a recycling and detoxification system central to plant productivity. Despite the importance of sulfur-cycling microbes, their biogeographic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity remain poorly understood. Here, we use metagenomic data sets from Massachusetts (MA) and Alabama (AL) salt marshes to examine the distribution and genomic diversity of sulfur-cycling plant-associated microbes. Samples were collected from sediments under Sporobolus alterniflorus and Sporobolus pumilus in separate MA vegetation zones, and under S. alterniflorus and Juncus roemerianus co-occuring in AL. We grouped metagenomic data by plant species and site and identified 38 MAGs that included pathways for sulfate reduction or sulfur oxidation. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that 29 of the 38 were affiliated with uncultivated lineages. We showed differentiation in the distribution of MAGs between AL and MA, between S. alterniflorus and S. pumilus vegetation zones in MA, but no differentiation between S. alterniflorus and J. roemerianus in AL. Pangenomic analyses of eight ubiquitous MAGs also detected site- and vegetation-specific genomic features, including varied sulfur-cycling operons, carbon fixation pathways, fixed single-nucleotide variants, and active diversity-generating retroelements. This genetic diversity, detected at multiple scales, suggests evolutionary relationships affected by distance and local environment, and demonstrates differential microbial capacities for sulfur and carbon cycling in salt marsh sediments.
ArticleThe Arctic(American Meteorological Society, 2023-09-06)Rapid warming due to human-caused climate change is reshaping the Arctic, enhanced by physical processes that cause the Arctic to warm more quickly than the global average, collectively called Arctic amplification. Observations over the past 40+ years show a transition to a wetter Arctic, with seasonal shifts and widespread disturbances influencing the flora, fauna, physical systems, and peoples of the Arctic. For the Arctic (poleward of 60°N), 2022 surface air temperatures were the fifth highest since records began in 1900, reaching 0.76°C above the 1991–2020 mean. Evidence of Arctic amplification is becoming more consistent, with 2022 being the ninth consecutive year with Arctic temperature anomalies exceeding global mean anomalies. Higher up in the atmosphere, 2022 saw a greater loss of stratospheric ozone compared to the 2004–21 mean, but not approaching the record losses of 2011 and 2020.
ArticleClimate change and the presence of invasive species will threaten the persistence of the Mediterranean seagrass community(Elsevier, 2023-11-18)The Mediterranean Sea has been experiencing rapid increases in temperature and salinity triggering its tropicalization. Additionally, its connection with the Red Sea has been favouring the establishment of non-native species. In this study, we investigated the effects of predicted climate change and the introduction of invasive seagrass species (Halophila stipulacea) on the native Mediterranean seagrass community (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa) by applying a novel ecological and spatial model with different configurations and parameter settings based on a Cellular Automata (CA). The proposed models use a discrete (stepwise) representation of space and time by executing deterministic and probabilistic rules that develop complex dynamic processes. Model applications were run under two climate scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5) projected from 2020 to 2100 in four different regions within the Mediterranean. Results indicate that the slow-growing P. oceanica will be highly vulnerable to climate change, suffering vast declines in its abundance. However, the results also show that western and colder areas of the Mediterranean Sea might represent refuge areas for this species. Cymodocea nodosa has been reported to exhibit resilience to predicted climate scenarios; however, it has shown habitat regression in the warmest predicted regions in the easternmost part of the basin. Our models indicate that H. stipulacea will thrive under projected climate scenarios, facilitating its spread across the basin. Also, H. stipulacea grew at the expense of C. nodosa, limiting the distribution of the latter, and eventually displacing this native species. Additionally, simulations demonstrated that areas from which P. oceanica meadows disappear would be partially covered by C. nodosa and H. stipulacea. These outcomes project that the Mediterranean seagrass community will experience a transition from long-lived, large and slow-growing species to small and fast-growing species as climate change progresses.
ArticleThe microbial biodiversity at the archeological site of Tel Megiddo (Israel)(Frontiers Media, 2023-09-21)The ancient city of Tel Megiddo in the Jezreel Valley (Israel), which lasted from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, has been continuously excavated since 1903 and is now recognized as a World Heritage Site. The site features multiple ruins in various areas, including temples and stables, alongside modern constructions, and public access is allowed in designated areas. The site has been studied extensively since the last century; however, its microbiome has never been studied. We carried out the first survey of the microbiomes in Tel Megiddo. Our objectives were to study (i) the unique microbial community structure of the site, (ii) the variation in the microbial communities across areas, (iii) the similarity of the microbiomes to urban and archeological microbes, (iv) the presence and abundance of potential bio-corroding microbes, and (v) the presence and abundance of potentially pathogenic microbes.
ArticleTransport and distributions of naturally and anthropogenically sourced trace metals and arsenic in submarine canyons(Elsevier, 2023-09-09)Continental margins play a key role in the cycling of natural and anthropogenic trace metals (TMs) as pathways at the interface between landmasses and deep ocean basins but also as sinks. Knowledge of how short-lived forcings alter the export dynamics of TMs is essential for our understanding of their fate in that setting. Here we report time series of particulate metal fluxes in three submarine canyons —namely Escombreras, Almeria and the Garrucha-Almanzora system— of the South-Western Mediterranean Sea. Our research focuses on combining multi-elemental TMs (Al, Fe, Ti, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) and As (a metalloid) contents of settling particles collected near the bottom by automated particle traps during one year, and seafloor sediment samples from below the traps. We assess the role of storms and bottom trawling in the off-shelf transport of particulate TMs and As, and the natural and anthropogenic contributions of TMs by using enrichment factors (EFs). The TM export fluxes and composition changed over the study period, from March 2015 to March 2016. TM fluxes increase in early spring 2015 in association with short-lived storm events and during calm months in the Garrucha-Almanzora Canyon system, likely due to sediment resuspension triggered by bottom trawling. In terms of composition, TMs in the sinking fluxes appear to be closely associated with lithogenic (Al, Fe and Ti) and authigenic (Mn) particles’ proxies. During storm events, the mass of settling particles in Escombreras and Almeria canyons was impoverished in Al, Fe, As, Co, Cu, Mn and Ni compared to other periods. The Garrucha-Almanzora Canyon system behaves differently as the above-described differences, are not observed there. Moreover, the TM composition of the sediments —with higher contents of Fe, Ti and several other TMs— in this canyon is barely tied to the composition of the settling particles. Finally, Cu and Zn contents, together with Pb in the northernmost Escombreras Canyon, are best explained by referring to anthropogenic sources. This work provides insights into the profound influence of the natural and anthropogenic forcings controlling the distributions and seasonal dynamics of particulate TMs and As in submarine canyons.
ArticleEditorial: Rising stars in hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: 2021(Frontiers Media, 2023-10-06)Research in the ecology and biogeochemistry of hydrothermal vents and methane seeps are driven—just like all science—by the hard work of early career scientists. To highlight recent work and invaluable contributions of young scholars we wanted to specifically focus on this demographic group in this Research Topic. Thus, the first authors of all nine articles featured here are graduate students, postdocs, and assistant professors at the beginning of their career and almost all senior authors are early- or mid-career principal investigators. The articles featured here span a broad range of environments around the world, from the deep sea, via shallow marine regions to laboratory cultures, using a broad range of methods from biogeochemical measurements to multi-omics.
ArticleResolving dynamic mineral-organic interactions in the rhizosphere by combining in-situ microsensors with plant-soil reactive transport modeling(Elsevier, 2023-06-24)Associations between minerals and organic matter represent one of the most important carbon storage mechanisms in soils. Plant roots are major sources of soil carbon, and resolving the dynamics and dominance of microbial consumption versus mineral sorption of root-derived carbon is critical to understanding soil carbon storage. Here we integrate in-situ rhizosphere microsensor and plant physiological measurements with a 3-D plant-soil reactive transport model to explore the fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the rhizosphere, particularly its microbial consumption and interaction with Fe oxide minerals. Over several days, microdialysis probes at the root-soil interface of growing Vicia faba roots in live soil, revealed clear diel patterns of DOC concentration in the pore water. Daytime DOC spikes coincided with peaks in leaf-level photosynthesis rates and were accompanied by declining redox potential and dissolved oxygen as well as increasing pH in the rhizosphere. Incorporating microsensor data into our modeling framework showed that the measured rapid loss of DOC after each mid-day spike could not be explained by consumption via aerobic respiration, nor via anaerobic respiration dominated by Fe oxide reduction. Rather, in the model, a large fraction of rhizosphere DOC was rapidly immobilized each day by adsorption to Fe oxides. Further, modeled microbial Fe reduction (fueled by DOC) did not mobilize significant organic carbon from Fe oxides during the day. Instead, the model predicted equilibrium desorption of organic carbon from Fe oxides at night. This new mechanistic modeling framework, which couples aboveground plant physiological measurements with non-destructive high-resolution monitoring of rhizosphere processes, has great potential for exploring the dynamics and balance of the various microbial reactions and mineral interactions controlling carbon storage in soils.
ArticlePerspectives on artificial intelligence for predictions in ecohydrology(American Meteorological Society, 2023-10-09)In November 2021, the Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) workshop was held, which involved hundreds of researchers from dozens of institutions. There were 17 sessions held at the workshop, including one on ecohydrology. The ecohydrology session included various breakout rooms that addressed specific topics, including 1) soils and belowground areas; 2) watersheds; 3) hydrology; 4) ecophysiology and plant hydraulics; 5) ecology; 6) extremes, disturbance and fire, and land-use and land-cover change; and 7) uncertainty quantification methods and techniques. In this paper, we investigate and report on the potential application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in ecohydrology, highlight outcomes of the ecohydrology session at the AI4ESP workshop, and provide visionary perspectives for future research in this area.
ArticleWind-modulated groundwater discharge along a microtidal Arctic coastline(IOP Publishing, 2023-09-05)Groundwater discharge transports dissolved constituents to the ocean, affecting coastal carbon budgets and water quality. However, the magnitude and mechanisms of groundwater exchange along rapidly transitioning Arctic coastlines are largely unknown due to limited observations. Here, using first-of-its-kind coastal Arctic groundwater timeseries data, we evaluate the magnitude and drivers of groundwater discharge to Alaska's Beaufort Sea coast. Darcy flux calculations reveal temporally variable groundwater fluxes, ranging from −6.5 cm d−1 (recharge) to 14.1 cm d−1 (discharge), with fluctuations in groundwater discharge or aquifer recharge over diurnal and multiday timescales during the open-water season. The average flux during the monitoring period of 4.9 cm d−1 is in line with previous estimates, but the maximum discharge exceeds previous estimates by over an order-of-magnitude. While the diurnal fluctuations are small due to the microtidal conditions, multiday variability is large and drives sustained periods of aquifer recharge and groundwater discharge. Results show that wind-driven lagoon water level changes are the dominant mechanism of fluctuations in land–sea hydraulic head gradients and, in turn, groundwater discharge. Given the microtidal conditions, low topographic relief, and limited rainfall along the Beaufort Sea coast, we identify wind as an important forcing mechanism of coastal groundwater discharge and aquifer recharge with implications for nearshore biogeochemistry. This study provides insights into groundwater flux dynamics along this coastline over time and highlights an oft overlooked discharge and circulation mechanism with implications towards refining solute export estimates to coastal Arctic waters.
ArticleEcosystem feedbacks constrain the effect of day‐to‐day weather variability on land–atmosphere carbon exchange(Wiley, 2023-08-30)Whole-ecosystem interactions and feedbacks constrain ecosystem responses to environmental change. The effects of these constraints on responses to climate trends and extreme weather events have been well studied. Here we examine how these constraints respond to changes in day-to-day weather variability without changing the long-term mean weather. Although environmental variability is recognized as a critical factor affecting ecological function, the effects of climate change on day-to-day weather variability and the resultant impacts on ecosystem function are still poorly understood. Changes in weather variability can alter the mean rates of individual ecological processes because many processes respond non-linearly to environmental drivers. We assessed how these individual-process responses to changes in day-to-day weather variability interact with one another at an ecosystem level. We examine responses of arctic tundra to changes in weather variability using stochastic simulations of daily temperature, precipitation, and light to drive a biogeochemical model. Changes in weather variability altered ecosystem carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and cycling rates in our model. However, responses of some processes (e.g., respiration) were inconsistent with expectations because ecosystem feedbacks can moderate, or even reverse, direct process responses to weather variability. More weather variability led to greater carbon losses from land to atmosphere; less variability led to higher carbon sequestration on land. The magnitude of modeled ecosystem response to weather variability was comparable to that predicted for the effects of climate mean trends by the end of the century.