2020 IAMSLIC Conference Proceedings

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Changing Tack: Adjusting our Sails to Navigate Uncertain Waters

46th IAMSLIC Annual Conference: 1st IAMSLIC Virtual Conference • Online, 13-14 October 2020

Conference Convener & Chair: Jaime Goldman


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Article
    2020 IAMSLIC Conference Proceedings
    ( 2021-09-07) Barr, Dorothy
    Collection of the papers presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the International Association of Libraries and Information Sciences (IAMSLIC), held virtually.
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    Inter-Research: Changing Tack in the Plan-S Open Access World
    ( 2021-08-26) Stewart, Ian
    For over 40 years, Inter-Research (IR) has been a small, family-owned publisher, well-respected for its high-quality science journals. IR commits the majority of its income to a rigorous peer review process, intensive in-house copy- and sub-editing, and attention to clarity of presentation in typography and layout. It currently publishes 8 titles—4 Hybrids and 4 Fully Open Access, of which 5 titles directly relate to the Aquatic Sciences. By far dominant among these is the flagship journal Marine Ecology Progress Series. While IR embraces change (e.g. online publication was introduced in 2000 and open (or free) access (OA) publication in 2005), the focus on traditional production quality means the journals have remained a comfortable and unchanging constant over the decades. IR’s founder, Prof. Dr. Otto Kinne, believed strongly in making scientific research widely accessible. However, the cautious program of transforming the subscription journals towards Fully OA publications that began in 2013 was suspended in 2015 when article submissions to the journal Aquatic Biology immediately, significantly and unexpectedly dropped almost immediately on “OA flipping”, a clear signal that globally financial support for the OA publication model was not matching the hype promoting its benefits and the degree to which it was desired. European funder-based “Plan S”, integrated into European Commission policy and initiated in 2020, promises to provide OA funding and forces European academic publishers to transform to Fully OA publication by end of 2024. In addition to introducing IR, its products, its products and its publication philosophy, this “Vendor Demonstration” describes how one small and not greatly resourced publisher (compared to the big conglomerates) is cautiously changing tack in the Plan S–Covid- 19 world. IR’s journey to Fully OA publication
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    Changing the Direction of Collection Development to Support Online Learning: Negotiating Ebook Purchases with a Society Publisher
    ( 2021-02-16) Tans, Eric
    With many higher education institutions transitioning to online education in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, academic libraries have increasingly been forced to adjust collection development approaches. This furthers the existing trend towards electronic content and libraries will need to respond by seeking out non-traditional sources; one potential source is society publishers. Society publishers produce important literature in niche fields, but their collections are not always available for library use in electronic format. The American Fisheries Society (AFS) is one such publisher, with 106 monograph titles only available to libraries in print. The faculty, staff, and students in the Fisheries and Wildlife Department at Michigan State University (MSU) rely heavily on AFS monographs, leading the MSU Library to contact AFS to inquire about purchasing ebooks for the library. Electronic access to these texts would allow students, instructors, and researchers to access any title remotely, greatly enhancing their usefulness for remote learning. This paper will describe the negotiation process, MSU’s internal accessibility review of the materials, and the logistics of making the ebook collection available to users.
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    ( 2021-02-16) Goldman, Jaime
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    From Metrics and Influence to Telling the Scientific Story: Evaluating Sea Level Rise
    ( 2021-02-16) Bossert, Jean ; Leonard, MIchelle
    Sea level rise is predicted to be one of the most studied fields in the coming decades. With some three billion people living in coastal communities around the world, sea level rise has the potential to affect nearly half the world’s population. About 40% of the US population lives in or near a coastal community (NOAA, 2020b). Although the study of sea level rise began in the late 1800s, it has gained momentum in the last 20 years. An interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers, and geologists in diverse university departments, such as Coastal Engineering, Geological Sciences, and Urban and Regional Planning are studying the various facets of this phenomenon. This paper identifies 1) the knowledge librarians need to understand the various metrics, and 2) how librarians can partner with scientific researchers to select relevant research impact strategies that will convey a compelling scientific story. This story can lead to future grant support, promotion and tenure awards, and perhaps to scientific policy changes.
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    EURASLIC Libraries During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Other Disasters
    ( 2020-12-06) Konjevic, Sofija ; Achard, Anne-Laure ; Bacheva, Snejina ; Brannemann, Kathrin ; Goossens, Bart ; Graboweska-Popow, Malgorzata ; Kopytova, Olga ; kulakova, Kateryna ; Mayer, Marina
    Over the decades libraries have encountered challenges in the constantly changing information environment. Libraries adapted quickly, embracing information technology as an opportunity that enables them to offer efficient and modern library services to patrons. Physical library spaces and traditional library services were complemented by digital, thus forming a hybrid library. Although libraries were on their way towards virtual libraries, no one expected that physical space would be closed one day so abruptly and unexpectedly. Libraries around the world were forced to close their doors to the public overnight due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to find out whether EURASLIC libraries were ready for this challenge and how they were coping with the COVID-19 pandemic and whether it was the only disaster they had to deal with in recent times, the EURASLIC Board decided to take a survey. The results of the survey are presented in this paper.