(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1986-11)
Hunt, Mary M.; Stephen, Ralph A.
Over the past eight years, a software package has been developed to solve
the elastic wave equation by the method of finite differences (Hunt et al.,
1983; Stephen, 1983; Stephen, 1984a; Stephen, 1984b; Nicoletis, 1981). The
elastic wave equation can be solved in two dimensions for point sources in
cylindrical coordinates or line sources in rectangular coordinates.
Compressional and shear velocity and density are allowed to vary both
vertically and radially.
Since the code is very computationally intensive for realistic size
models, it has been implemented on two Class VI super computers: the Cyber 205
at Purdue University and the Cray XMP-l2 at the Naval Research Laboratory.
This technical report is a user's manual for running the code on these
machines. It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with running the
code on the VAX ll-780 (Hunt et al., 1983).