(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2024-05-01)
Houk, Adam; Bower, Amy S.
The Greenland Deep Western Boundary Current (GDWBC) mooring array is part of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Project (OSNAP). The mooring array consists of four moorings instrumented with SeaBird 37 MicroCATs and Nortek Aquadopp Current Meters with the goal of 1) better defining the range of DWBC transport variability up to interannual time scales from continuous multi-year time series of velocity, temperature, and salinity, 2) identifying the causes of DWBC transport and water mass variability on multiple time scales, including connections to the dense overflows upstream, and 3) assessing DWBC continuity and connectivity around Cape Farewell and to the western boundary of the Subpolar North Atlantic. These moorings were deployed August 2020 to July 2022.