Coastal mixing and optics moored array experiment
Coastal mixing and optics moored array experiment
Baumgartner, Mark F.
Anderson, Steven P.
Anderson, Steven P.
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Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Numerical weather forecasting
Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Experiment
Numerical weather forecasting
Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Experiment
This 5 CDROM set contains in-situ and numerical weather prediction model
data collected during the Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Experiment.
These data were analyzed in a manuscript entitled "Evaluation of NCEP
regional numerical weather prediction model surface fields over the
Middle Atlantic Bight" which can be found in Postscript format on CDROM
1 in the "paper" directory. Three NWP models (the early Eta, meso Eta
and RUC-1) were evaluated using in-situ meteorological observations and
air-sea flux estimates from the central CMO buoy and six NDBC buoys.
Based on these evaluations, gridded air-sea flux fields for use in the
CMO experiment were generated from the meso Eta model surface fields.
Both the original and adjusted meso Eta model surface fields can be
found in this CDROM set.
CDROM 1 contains all of the in-situ measurements as well as the model
data extracted at each of the moored buoys. CDROM 1 also contains the
AVHRR 14 km SST analysis from NCEP, the GCIP incoming surface shortwave
product, plots of the 0, 3, 6 and 9 hour adjusted meso Eta forecasts for
both the meteorology and air-sea fluxes and two QuickTime animations of
the adjusted meso Eta model fields.
CDROMs 2 and 3 contain the meso Eta model surface data acquired from
NCEP archives and reformatted from GRIB to NetCDF.
CDROMs 4 and 5 contain the CMO air-sea flux fields derived from the meso
Eta surface fields. The source code of the program used to generate the
CMO flux fields is in the "code" directory on CDROM 1.