Stratification, Wind, and Waves on the Inner shelf of Martha’s Vineyard (SWWIM)

Alternative Title
As Published
Date Created
7-m site was at 41.347°N 70.556°W, 0.4 km offshore
12-m site was at 41.337°N 70.556°W, 1.5 km offshore
17-m site was at 41.319°N 70.570W, 3.8 km offshore
27-m site was at 41.254°N 70.592°W, 11.1 km offshore
Replaced By
Inner shelf
Wind forcing
Surface gravity wave forcing
Time series of current velocity, water temperature, and salinity profiles, and near-bottom water depth from the 7-m, 12-m, 17-m, and 27-m site of an inner-shelf array deployed as part of the Stratification, Wind, and Waves on the Inner shelf of Martha’s Vineyard (SWWIM) study. There were 6 deployments of an array of four sites across the inner-shelf south of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. The four sites are designated by nominal depth 7-m, 12-m (MVCO node), 17-m and 27-m. Each site consisted of an upwarded looking ADCP mounted on a bottom frame and a surface mooring spanning the water column with temperature and temperature/conductivity instruments. Gaps between deployments varied from 1 to 2 months. Each site was off the south coast of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts and the time series span for all four sites was 11 October 2006 – 5 February 2010. Sites: 7-m site was at 41.347°N 70.556°W, 0.4 km offshore in 7 - 8 m of water 12-m site was at 41.337°N 70.556°W, 1.5 km offshore in 12 m of water 17-m site was at 41.319°N 70.570W, 3.8 km offshore in 17.5 m of water 27-m site was at 41.254°N 70.592°W, 11.1 km offshore in 27.5 m of water
Embargo Date
Lentz, S. (2021). Stratification, Wind, and Waves on the Inner shelf of Martha's Vineyard (SWWIM) [Data set]. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
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