Key to the Physiology course photo in 1987.

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MBL Course Photographs
MBL Courses
One tiff file and one jpeg image.
PHYSIOLOGY_1987-1.jpeg: Key to the Physiology course photo in 1987. There are traced silhouettes of the people posing, the numbers 1-61 written on the heads of the figures and "Physiology 1987" written below the figures. The following is typed "1. Liam Dolan, 2. george Plopper, 3. Boyce Rensberger, 4. Feng Dong, 5. Nelson Barton, 6. Richard Walker, 7. Maureen Ryan, 8. Chris Turner, 9. Cord Dohrmann, 10. Mark Berryman, 11. Jim Hagstrom, 12. Mike Shamblott, 13. Sandy Mayrand, 14. Bob Obar, 15. Harris Mackey, 16. Carolyn sympson, 17. Dan Ferber, 18. Janet Cyr, 19. Sunlian Feng, 20. Alice Curry, 21. Ying-Hao Chou, 22. Millie Hughes-Fulford, 23. Ken Sawin, 24. john Trinkaus, 25. Susan Harding, 26. George Dessev, 27. Ingred Lassing, 28. Yoshio Fukui, 29. Kim Saunders, 30. Nafsika Kronidou, 31. Andreas Kuppe, 32. Ruben Carlos, 33. Linda Roy, 34. Youngsook Lee, 35. Rita Miller, 36. Linda Thomas, 37. Fiona Harding, 38. Elaine Yeh, 39. Meg Kenna, 40. Katherine yutzey, 41. Esther Racoosin, 42. Theresa Strong, 43. Aileen Healy, 44. Lael Hinds, 45. Laurie Wright Sandor, 46. Denise Roberts, 47. Bruce Liang, 48. Liz Cowles, 49. Anne Goldman, 50. Karen Vikstrom, 51. Uno Lindberg, 52. Liz Whitehead, 53. Becky Han, 54, Kerry Bloom, 55. Gary Litman, 56. Bob Goldman, 57. Thoru Pederson, 58. Richard Vallee, 59. Allison Smith, 60. Peter Han, 61. Bezanilla. Absent: David Burgess, Kay Broschat, Eric Wieben, Kristin Hinds, Ronda Litman, David Asai, Kathy Foltz, Jim Hammarback, Christine Collins"
Photo Collection, Box 32, Marine Biological Laboratory Archives.
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