Stranded beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) calf response and care: reports of two cases with different outcomes

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Goertz, Caroline
Woodie, Kathy
Long, Brett
Hartman, Lisa
Gaglione, Eric
Christen, Dennis
Clauss, Tonya
Flower, Jennifer
Tuttle, Allison
Richard, Carey
Romano, Tracy
Schmitt, Todd
Otjen, Eric
Osborn, Steve
Aibel, Steve
Binder, Tim
Van Bonn, William
Castellote, Manuel
Mooney, T. Aran
Dennison-Gibby, Sophie
Burek-Huntington, Kathy
Rowles, Teresa K.
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critical care
Given the remote, rugged areas belugas typically inhabit and the low rehabilitation success rate with any cetacean, it is rare to have the opportunity to rescue a live-stranded beluga. The Alaska SeaLife Center cared for two stranded beluga calves with two different outcomes. In 2012, a neonatal male beluga calf (DL1202) stranded following intense storms in Bristol Bay. In 2017, a helicopter pilot discovered a stranded male beluga calf (DL1705) during a flight over Cook Inlet. The Alaska SeaLife Center transported both calves for rehabilitation and utilized supportive care plans based on those for other species of stranded cetaceans and care of neonatal belugas at zoological facilities. Diagnostics included complete blood counts, serum chemistries, microbial cultures, hearing tests, imaging and morphometric measurements to monitor systemic health. Treatments included in-pool flotation support; antimicrobials; gastrointestinal support; and close monitoring of respirations, urination, defecation and behaviour. After three weeks of supportive care, the Bristol Bay calf (DL1202) succumbed to sepsis secondary to a possible prematurity-related lack of passive transfer of antibodies. After seven weeks, the Cook Inlet calf (DL1705) recovered and all medications were discontinued. Unable to survive on his own, he was declared non-releasable and placed in long-term care at a zoological facility, to live with other belugas. Aspects and details from successful cases of cetacean critical care become important references especially vital for the survival of essential animals in small, endangered populations.
© The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Goertz, C. E. C., Woodie, K., Long, B., Hartman, L., Gaglione, E., Christen, D., Clauss, T., Flower, J., Tuttle, A., Richard, C., Romano, T. A., Schmitt, T., Otjen, E., Osborn, S., Aibel, S., Binder, T., Van Bonn, W., Castellote, M., Mooney, T. A., Dennison-Gibby, S., Burek-Huntington, K., & Rowles, T. K. (2021). Stranded beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) calf response and care: reports of two cases with different outcomes. Polar Research, 40, 5514,
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Goertz, C. E. C., Woodie, K., Long, B., Hartman, L., Gaglione, E., Christen, D., Clauss, T., Flower, J., Tuttle, A., Richard, C., Romano, T. A., Schmitt, T., Otjen, E., Osborn, S., Aibel, S., Binder, T., Van Bonn, W., Castellote, M., Mooney, T. A., Dennison-Gibby, S., Burek-Huntington, K., & Rowles, T. K. (2021). Stranded beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) calf response and care: reports of two cases with different outcomes. Polar Research, 40, 5514.
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