Global inventory of species categorized by known underwater sonifery

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Looby, Audrey
Erbe, Christine
Bravo, Santiago
Cox, Kieran
Davies, Hailey L.
Di Iorio, Lucia
Jezequel, Youenn
Juanes, Francis
Martin, Charles W.
Mooney, T. Aran
Radford, Craig A.
Reynolds, Laura K.
Rice, Aaron N.
Riera, Amalis
Rountree, Rodney
Spriel, Brittnie
Stanley, Jenni A.
Vela, Sarah
Parsons, Miles J. G.
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A working group from the Global Library of Underwater Biological Sounds effort collaborated with the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) to create an inventory of species confirmed or expected to produce sound underwater. We used several existing inventories and additional literature searches to compile a dataset categorizing scientific knowledge of sonifery for 33,462 species and subspecies across marine mammals, other tetrapods, fishes, and invertebrates. We found 729 species documented as producing active and/or passive sounds under natural conditions, with another 21,911 species deemed likely to produce sounds based on evaluated taxonomic relationships. The dataset is available on both figshare and WoRMS where it can be regularly updated as new information becomes available. The data can also be integrated with other databases (e.g., SeaLifeBase, Global Biodiversity Information Facility) to advance future research on the distribution, evolution, ecology, management, and conservation of underwater soniferous species worldwide.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Looby, A., Erbe, C., Bravo, S., Cox, K., Davies, H., Di Iorio, L., Jézéquel, Y., Juanes, F., Martin, C., Mooney, T., Radford, C., Reynolds, L., Rice, A., Riera, A., Rountree, R., Spriel, B., Stanley, J., Vela, S., & Parsons, M. (2023). Global inventory of species categorized by known underwater sonifery. Scientific Data, 10(1), 892,
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Looby, A., Erbe, C., Bravo, S., Cox, K., Davies, H., Di Iorio, L., Jézéquel, Y., Juanes, F., Martin, C., Mooney, T., Radford, C., Reynolds, L., Rice, A., Riera, A., Rountree, R., Spriel, B., Stanley, J., Vela, S., & Parsons, M. (2023). Global inventory of species categorized by known underwater sonifery. Scientific Data, 10(1), 892.
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Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Attribution 4.0 International