Southern Cape Cod Bay hypoxia data

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Scully, Malcolm E.
Pugh, Tracy L.
Geyer, W. Rockwell
Costa, Amy
Nichols, Owen C.
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Southern Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
70.8°W to -70°W and 40.7°N to 42.4°N
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Climate Change
Thermal stratification
This project investigated the distribution of low dissolved oxygen bottom waters (hypoxia) in southern Cape Cod Bay. Hypoxia was documented for the first time in late summer 2019 and 2020 despite extensive monitoring for the past decade. The data include: 1) measurements of bottom dissolved oxygen collected in 2019 by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MDMF) and the Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) ; 2) full water column profiles of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, dissolved oxygen concentration and optical backscatter collected in late summer 2020 by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI); 3) monthly water quality data including CTD with dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll fluorescence and discrete bottom samples analyzed for dissolved nutrients collected by the CCS for the period 2011-2020; 4) inorganic nutrients from discrete surface and bottom samples collected monthly for the period 2006-2020; 5) bottom temperature data collected the Wreck of Mars location by the MDMF over the period 1991-2021. There are four separate data sets included: 1) MDMF and CCS bottom dissolved oxygn from 2019; 2) CTD and ancillary data collected by WHOI in 2019; 3) CCS monthly survey data from 2011-2020; and 4) bottom temperature data collected by MDMF for 1991-2021. 1) MDMF/CCS dissolved oxygen data was collected from ship-based surveys using an YSI 6920 V2-2 data sonde; 2) WHOI CTD data was collected from vertical casts made from a small research vessel using an RBR CTD; 3) CCS CTD data was collected from vertical casts made from a small research vessel using a SeaBird Electronics CTD; 4) MDMF temperature data was collected from a bottom mounted temperature logger. Related Publications: Scully, M.E., W.R. Geyer, D. Borkman, T.L. Pouch, A. Costa, and O.C. Nichols, in press. Unprecedented summer hypoxia in southern Cape Cod Bay: An ecological response to regional climate change? Biogeosciences.
Embargo Date
Scully, M. E., Pugh, T. L., Geyer, W. R., Costa, A., & Nichols, O. C. (2022). Southern Cape Cod Bay hypoxia data [Data set]. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
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