Sox17 and ß-catenin co-occupy Wnt-responsive enhancers to govern the endoderm gene regulatory network

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Mukherjee, Shreyasi
Chaturvedi, Praneet
Rankin, Scott A.
Fish, Margaret B.
Wlizla, Marcin
Paraiso, Kitt D.
MacDonald, Melissa
Chen, Xiaoting
Weirauch, Matthew T.
Blitz, Ira L.
Cho, Ken W. Y.
Zorn, Aaron M.
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Lineage specification is governed by gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that integrate the activity of signaling effectors and transcription factors (TFs) on enhancers. Sox17 is a key transcriptional regulator of definitive endoderm development, and yet, its genomic targets remain largely uncharacterized. Here, using genomic approaches and epistasis experiments, we define the Sox17-governed endoderm GRN in Xenopus gastrulae. We show that Sox17 functionally interacts with the canonical Wnt pathway to specify and pattern the endoderm while repressing alternative mesectoderm fates. Sox17 and β-catenin co-occupy hundreds of key enhancers. In some cases, Sox17 and β-catenin synergistically activate transcription apparently independent of Tcfs, whereas on other enhancers, Sox17 represses β-catenin/Tcf-mediated transcription to spatially restrict gene expression domains. Our findings establish Sox17 as a tissue-specific modifier of Wnt responses and point to a novel paradigm where genomic specificity of Wnt/β-catenin transcription is determined through functional interactions between lineage-specific Sox TFs and β-catenin/Tcf transcriptional complexes. Given the ubiquitous nature of Sox TFs and Wnt signaling, this mechanism has important implications across a diverse range of developmental and disease contexts.
© The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Mukherjee, S., Chaturvedi, P., Rankin, S. A., Fish, M. B., Wlizla, M., Paraiso, K. D., MacDonald, M., Chen, X., Weirauch, M. T., Blitz, I. L., Cho, K. W. Y., & Zorn, A. M. Sox17 and ß-catenin co-occupy Wnt-responsive enhancers to govern the endoderm gene regulatory network. Elife, 9, (2020): e58029, doi:10.7554/eLife.58029.
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Mukherjee, S., Chaturvedi, P., Rankin, S. A., Fish, M. B., Wlizla, M., Paraiso, K. D., MacDonald, M., Chen, X., Weirauch, M. T., Blitz, I. L., Cho, K. W. Y., & Zorn, A. M. (2020). Sox17 and ß-catenin co-occupy Wnt-responsive enhancers to govern the endoderm gene regulatory network. Elife, 9, e58029.
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