Seasonal habitat preference and foraging behaviour of post-moult Weddell seals in the western Ross Sea

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Goetz, Kimberly T.
Dinniman, Michael S.
Hückstädt, Luis A.
Robinson, Patrick W.
Shero, Michelle R.
Burns, Jennifer M.
Hofmann, Eileen E.
Stammerjohn, Sharon E.
Hazen, Elliott L.
Ainley, David G.
Costa, Daniel P.
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Seasonal movement
Weddell seal
Foraging behaviour
Ross Sea
Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) are important predators in the Southern Ocean and are among the best-studied pinnipeds on Earth, yet much still needs to be learned about their year-round movements and foraging behaviour. Using biologgers, we tagged 62 post-moult Weddell seals in McMurdo Sound and vicinity between 2010 and 2012. Generalized additive mixed models were used to (i) explain and predict the probability of seal presence and foraging behaviour from eight environmental variables, and (ii) examine foraging behaviour in relation to dive metrics. Foraging probability was highest in winter and lowest in summer, and foraging occurred mostly in the water column or just above the bottom; across all seasons, seals preferentially exploited the shallow banks and deeper troughs of the Ross Sea, the latter providing a pathway for Circumpolar Deep Water to flow onto the shelf. In addition, the probability of Weddell seal occurrence and foraging increased with increasing bathymetric slope and where water depth was typically less than 600 m. Although the probability of occurrence was higher closer to the shelf break, foraging was higher in areas closer to shore and over banks. This study highlights the importance of overwinter foraging for recouping body mass lost during the previous summer.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Goetz, K. T., Dinniman, M. S., Hückstädt, L. A., Robinson, P. W., Shero, M. R., Burns, J. M., Hofmann, E. E., Stammerjohn, S. E., Hazen, E. L., Ainley, D. G., & Costa, D. P. Seasonal habitat preference and foraging behaviour of post-moult Weddell seals in the western Ross Sea. Royal Society Open Science, 10(1), (2023): 220500,
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Goetz, K. T., Dinniman, M. S., Hückstädt, L. A., Robinson, P. W., Shero, M. R., Burns, J. M., Hofmann, E. E., Stammerjohn, S. E., Hazen, E. L., Ainley, D. G., & Costa, D. P. (2023). Seasonal habitat preference and foraging behaviour of post-moult Weddell seals in the western Ross Sea. Royal Society Open Science, 10(1), 220500.
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