The importance of fine-scale flow processes and food availability in the maintenance of soft-sediment communities
The importance of fine-scale flow processes and food availability in the maintenance of soft-sediment communities
Snelgrove, Paul V. R.
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Buzzards Bay, MA
St. Croix, U.S.V.I.
St. Croix, U.S.V.I.
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Marine sediments
Deep-sea ecology
Marine ecology
Marine invertebrates
Sediment transport
Marine sediments
Deep-sea ecology
Marine ecology
Marine invertebrates
Sediment transport
Although the association between soft-sediment invertebrates and a specific sediment type has
been documented for many habitats, most studies have been correlative and have failed to convincingly
demonstrate any single mechanism to explain this association. Sediment type has generally been
characterized by grain size, however, many other potential causal factors correlate with grain size,
including organic content, microbial content, stability, food supply, and larval supply. One hypothesis for
animal-sediment associations is that settling larvae are transported as passive particles and are sorted into
different sedimentary habitats much like sediment grains.
To test the hypothesis that near-bed hydrodynamics may modify larval settlement, field and flume
experiments were conducted where larval settlement was compared between microdepositional
environments (small depressions) and non-trapping environments (flush treatments). Depressions have
been observed to trap passive particles, and these experiments were therefore designed to test whether
settling larvae would be trapped in depressions like passive particles. Flume flow simulations were carried
out with the polychaete Capitella sp. I and the bivalve Mulinia latera/is. Experiments with flush and
depression sediment treatments were conducted in the absence of the potentially confounding effects of
suspended sediment and organic matter and therefore offered a highly controlled, explicit test of passive
hydrodynamic deposition of larvae in depressions. Although larvae of both species were generally able
to actively select a high-organic sediment over a low-organic alternative with a comparable grain size,
elevated densities of both species were observed in depressions for a given sediment treatment. Thus,
both species appeared to be vulnerable to hydrodynamic trapping. M. latera/is larvae, however, often
made a "poor choice" by settling in high numbers in depressions containing the low-organic sediment
while Capitella sp. I larvae were generally able to "escape" from depressions if the sediment was
unsuitable. In field experiments carried out at Station R in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, significantly
higher densities of Mediomastus ambiseta juveniles, spionid polychaete juveniles, bivalves, gastropod
larvae, and nemerteans were observed in depressions compared with flush treatments over 5 relatively
short experimental periods (3 or 4 days each) during the summer of 1990. Of the abundant taxa, only
Capitella spp. was not significantly more abundant in depressions compared with flush treatments,
although numbers tended to be higher in depressions. Experiments were conducted over a short time
period to minimize potential biological interactions between taxa and reduce the likelihood that organic
material would accumulate in depressions and provide a cue for settling larvae. Thus, higher numbers
in depressions suggest that larvae were passively entrained. These flume and field experiments suggest
that near-bed hydrodynamics may modify settlement at some scales, and that both active and passive
processes may operate in determining larval distributions in shallow-water, muddy habitats.
In deep-sea ecosystems, the role of near-bed hydrodynamics is also of interest because of the
potential role that larval settlement in organic patches may play in maintaining the immense species
diversity characteristic of many deep-sea ecosystems. To try to understand the role of organic patches
in deep-sea communities, several investigators have used colonization trays containing sediments that have
been treated in different ways. These experiments have been criticized in the past because the sediment
surface in the trays was elevated above the bottom and may therefore have interfered with natural boundary layer flow. Flume simulations of flow over these colonization trays revealed serious flow
artifacts generated by the trays, and that flow across the sediment surface of the trays was characterized
by turbulent eddies, accelerated velocities and boundary layer thickening. These sorts of flow
characteristics would not be expected over natural sediments, and an alternative colonization tray was
designed to eliminate these artifacts.
To test the hypothesis that different types of food patches would result in different types of larval
response, and determine how near-bed hydrodynamics may influence larval settlement, flush colonization
trays filled with prefrozen sediment were deployed in tandem with artificial depressions south of St. Croix,
U.S.V.I at 900 m depth. Colonization trays and artificial depressions were either unenriched or enriched
with Thalassiosira sp. and Sargassum sp. two types of algae chosen to mimic natural food patches on the
sea floor. Unexpectedly high densities of organisms colonized trays after only 23 days. The Thalassiosira
trays were colonized by high densities of a relatively low diversity, opportunistic fauna, Sargassum trays
were colonized by lower densities of a higher diversity fauna, and unenriched trays were colonized by
very low numbers of a very diverse fauna. All tray faunas were markedly different in composition from
the natural, ambient fauna. These fmdings suggest that different patch types did, indeed, result in a
specialized faunal response to each of the "patch" types. Depressions on the sea floor provide a natural
mechanism for food patch formation because passive particles such as detritus and algae tend to be
entrained in the depressions. To determine whether dominant colonizers would be entrained in depressions
like passive particles or could differentiate between depression "patch" types in a flow environment that
might be expected to make active selection more difficult, artificial depressions were unenriched or
enriched with Sargassum sp. or Thalassiosira sp. Total densities of organisms and densities of the most
abundant species were substantially lower in artificial depressions than in trays. Densities in Thalassiosira
depressions were lower than in Sargassum depressions and densities in unenriched depressions were
extremely low, suggesting that dominant colonizers were not passively entrained in depressions and that
colonization was specialized and highly active for these taxa. A different fauna was also observed in
natural depressions compared with flush sediments, suggesting that natural depressions do contribute to
species coexistence. Long-term tray deployments designed to test whether different faunas would be
present in "patches" of different ages indicated that time may also play an important part in a deep-sea
patch mosaic.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution January 1993
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Snelgrove, P. V. R. (1993). The importance of fine-scale flow processes and food availability in the maintenance of soft-sediment communities [Doctoral thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]. Woods Hole Open Access Server.