On the pulmonary toxicity of oxygen. 4. The thyroid arena
On the pulmonary toxicity of oxygen. 4. The thyroid arena
Shanklin, D. Radford
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Lung injury
Thyroid underdevelopment
Bilateral cervical vagotomy
Semi-log graphics
Area under the curve analysis
Clinical assessment of neonatal thyroid status
Adrenal underdevelopment
Gestational time
Hormetic effects
Thyroid underdevelopment
Bilateral cervical vagotomy
Semi-log graphics
Area under the curve analysis
Clinical assessment of neonatal thyroid status
Adrenal underdevelopment
Gestational time
Hormetic effects
Normally developed thyroid function is critical to the transition from fetal to neonatal life with the
onset of independent thermoregulation, the most conspicuous of the many ways in which thyroid
secretions act throughout the body. A role for thyroid secretions in growth and maturation of the
lungs as part of the preparation for the onset of breathing has been recognized for some time but how
this contributes to tissue and cell processes and defenses under the duress of respiratory distress has
not been well examined. Extensive archival autopsy material was searched for thyroid and adrenal
weights, first by gestational age, and then for changes during the first hours after birth as ratios to
body weight. After a gestational age of 22 weeks the fetal thyroid and adrenal glands at autopsy in
those with hyaline membrane disease are persistently half the size of those in "normal" infants dying
with other disorders. When the thyroid is examined shortly after birth it reveals a post natal loss of
mass per body weight of similar orders of magnitude which does not occur in the control group. A
clinical sample of premature infants with (12) and without (14) hyaline membrane disease was
tested for T4, TSH, TBG, and total serum protein. The results also demonstrate a special subset with
lower birth weights at the same gestational age, and lower serum T4 and total serum protein. Ventilatory distress in newborn rabbits was induced by bilateral cervical vagotomy at 24 hours post
natal following earlier injection of thyroxine (T4) or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and
comparisons were made with untreated animals and by dose. Early life thyroidectomy was
performed followed by exposure to either air or 100% oxygen. A final experiment in air was
vagotomy after thyroidectomy. Composite analysis of these methods indicates that thyroid factors
are both operative and important in the newborn animal with ventilatory distress. This work and
the archival data indicate those infants destined to develop hyaline membrane disease through
respiratory distress are a distinct developmental and clinical subset with the point of departure from
otherwise normal development and maturation in the second or early third trimester. This interval
is known to be a period of marked variation in the overview indicators of fetal progress through
gestational time. The initiating factor or circumstance which then separates this special subset from
normal future development is placed by these observations firmly into the period when human fetal
TSH dramatically rises 7-fold (17.5-25.5 weeks) followed by a lesser 3 to 4 fold increase in T4
which is extended into the early third trimester. The earlier part of this interval is characterized by
the thyrotrophic action of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The possibility that abnormalities in the
intrauterine environment secondary to maternal infection play a role within this time frame is
indicated by the demonstration that interleukin-2 (IL-2) induces an anterior pituitary release of
TSH. Since IL-2 has this property and is not an acute phase cytokine, some form of chronic
infection or an immunopathic process seems more likely as a possible active factor in pathogenesis.
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Experimental and Molecular Pathology 92 (2012): 140-154, doi:10.1016/j.yexmp.2011.11.006.