Cruise Report C-139A : a report on the academic & scientific activities of the Oceanography of the Gulf of Maine Program; sea component, 22 June to 1 July 1995, island component, 1 July 1995 to 9 July 1995
Cruise Report C-139A : a report on the academic & scientific activities of the Oceanography of the Gulf of Maine Program; sea component, 22 June to 1 July 1995, island component, 1 July 1995 to 9 July 1995
Zettler, Erik R.
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The Sea Component of Cruise C-139A began in Woods Hole Massachusetts and ended ten days later on Appledore Island Maine. This report is a summary of the accomplishments and discoveries during the cruise. During this short time, we sailed over 600 nautical miles and saw a remarkable diversity of marine habitats. Environments we studied ranged from oligotrophic tropical open ocean water in a warm core eddy of the Gulf Stream, to the rich and productive waters over Georges Bank. After investigating these areas and the Gulf of Maine, students spent nine days at Shoals Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island, where Dr. Nadine Folino introduced us all to the spectacular rocky intertidal environment. Oceanography and
Nautical Science lectures, presented each day to supplement and expand upon the research program..
Woods Hole, MA - Appledore Island, ME, 22 June to 1 July 1995