Kinsley Christopher W.

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Christopher W.

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    Barium-isotopic fractionation in seawater mediated by barite cycling and oceanic circulation
    ( 2015-07-09) Horner, Tristan J. ; Kinsley, Christopher W. ; Nielsen, Sune G.
    The marine biogeochemical cycle of Ba is thought to be controlled by particulate BaSO4 (barite) precipitation associated with the microbial oxidation of organic carbon and its subsequent dissolution in the BaSO4-undersaturated water column. Despite many of these processes being largely unique to Ba cycling, concentrations of Ba and Si in seawater exhibit a strong linear correlation. The reasons for this correlation are ambiguous, as are the depth ranges corresponding to the most active BaSO4 cycling and the intermediate sources of Ba to particulate BaSO4. Stable isotopic analyses of dissolved Ba in seawater should help address these issues, as Ba-isotopic compositions are predicted to be sensitive to the physical and biogeochemical process that cycle Ba. We report a new methodology for the determination of dissolved Ba-isotopic compositions in seawater and results from a 4, 500 m depth profile in the South Atlantic at 39.99 S, 0.92 E that exhibit oceanographically-consistent variation with depth. These data reveal that water masses obtain their [Ba] and Ba-isotopic signatures when at or near the surface, which relates to the cycling of marine BaSO4. The shallow origin of these signatures requires that the substantial Ba-isotopic variations in the bathypelagic zone were inherited from when those deep waters were last ventilated. Indeed, the water column below 600 m is well explained by conservative mixing of water masses with distinct [Ba] and Ba-isotopic compositions. This leads us to conclude that large scale oceanic circulation is important for sustaining the similar oceanographic distributions of Ba and Si in the South Atlantic, and possibly elsewhere. These data demonstrate that the processes of organic carbon oxidation, BaSO4 cycling, and Ba-isotopic fractionation in seawater are closely coupled, such that Ba-isotopic analyses harbor great potential as a tracer of the carbon cycle in the modern and paleo-oceans.
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    Barium isotopes reveal role of ocean circulation on barium cycling in the Atlantic
    ( 2017-02-02) Bates, Stephanie L. ; Hendry, Katharine R. ; Pryer, Helena V. ; Kinsley, Christopher W. ; Pyle, Kimberley M. ; Woodward, E. Malcolm S. ; Horner, Tristan J.
    We diagnose the relative influences of local-scale biogeochemical cycling and regional-scale ocean circulation on Atlantic barium cycling by analyzing four new depth profiles of dissolved Ba concentrations and isotope compositions from the South and tropical North Atlantic. These new profiles exhibit systematic vertical, zonal, and meridional variations that reflect the influence of both local-scale barite cycling and large-scale ocean circulation. Previously reported epipelagic decoupling of Ba and Si in the tropics is also found to be associated with significant Ba isotope heterogeneity. We contend that this decoupling originates from the depth segregation of opal & barite formation but is exacerbated by weak vertical mixing, as in the tropics. Zonal influence from isotopically-‘heavy’ water masses in the western North Atlantic evidence the advective inflow of Ba-depleted Upper Labrador Sea Water, which is not seen in the eastern basin or the South Atlantic. Meridional variations in Atlantic Ba isotope systematics below 2,000 m appear entirely controlled by conservative mixing. Using an inverse isotopic mixing model, we calculate the Ba isotope composition of the Ba-poor northern end member as +0.45 ‰ and the Ba-rich southern end member +0.26 ‰, relative to NIST SRM 3104a. The near-conservative behaviour of Ba in the deep ocean indicates that Ba isotopes may serve as an independent tracer of the provenance of advected water masses in the Atlantic Ocean. The clearly resolved Ba-isotope signatures of northern- and southern-sourced waters may also prove useful in paleoceanographic studies, should appropriate sedimentary archives be identified. Overall, our results offer new insights into the controls on Ba cycling in seawater and thus the mechanisms that underpin the utility of Ba-based proxies in paleoceanography.