Heaton Timothy J.

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Timothy J.

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  • Article
    A response to community questions on the marine20 radiocarbon age calibration curve: marine reservior ages and the calibration of 14 C samples from the oceans
    (Cambridge University Press, 2022-11-02) Heaton, Timothy J. ; Bard, Edouard ; Bronk Ramsey, Christopher ; Butzin, Martin ; Hatté, Christine ; Hughen, Konrad A. ; Köhler, Peter ; Reimer, Paula J.
    Radiocarbon (14C) concentrations in the oceans are different from those in the atmosphere. Understanding these ocean-atmospheric 14C differences is important both to estimate the calendar ages of samples which obtained their 14C in the marine environment, and to investigate the carbon cycle. The Marine20 radiocarbon age calibration curve is created to address these dual aims by providing a global-scale surface ocean record of radiocarbon from 55,000–0 cal yr BP that accounts for the smoothed response of the ocean to variations in atmospheric 14C production rates and factors out the effect of known changes in global-scale palaeoclimatic variables. The curve also serves as a baseline to study regional oceanic 14C variation. Marine20 offers substantial improvements over the previous Marine13 curve. In response to community questions, we provide a short intuitive guide, intended for the lay-reader, on the construction and use of the Marine20 calibration curve. We describe the choices behind the making of Marine20, as well as the similarities and differences compared with the earlier Marine calibration curves. We also describe how to use the Marine20 curve for calibration and how to estimate ΔR—the localized variation in the oceanic 14C levels due to regional factors which are not incorporated in the global-scale Marine20 curve. To aid understanding, illustrative worked examples are provided.
  • Article
    Marine radiocarbon calibration in polar regions: a simple approximate approach using Marine20. Radiocarbon
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023-08-08) Heaton, Timothy J. ; Butzin, Martin ; Bard, Edouard ; Bronk Ramsey, Christopher ; Hughen, Konrad A. ; Kohler, Peter ; Reimer, Paula J.
    The Marine20 radiocarbon (14C) age calibration curve, and all earlier marine 14C calibration curves from the IntCal group, must be used extremely cautiously for the calibration of marine 14C samples from polar regions (outside ∼ 40ºS–40ºN) during glacial periods. Calibrating polar 14C marine samples from glacial periods against any Marine calibration curve (Marine20 or any earlier product) using an estimate of , the regional 14C depletion adjustment, that has been obtained from samples in the recent (non-glacial) past is likely to lead to bias and overconfidence in the calibrated age. We propose an approach to calibration that aims to address this by accounting for the possibility of additional, localized, glacial 14C depletion in polar oceans. We suggest, for a specific polar location, bounds on the value of during a glacial period. The lower bound may be based on 14C samples from the recent non-glacial (Holocene) past and corresponds to a low-depletion glacial scenario. The upper bound, , representing a high-depletion scenario is found by increasing according to the latitude of the 14C sample to be calibrated. The suggested increases to obtain are based upon simulations of the Hamburg Large Scale Geostrophic Ocean General Circulation Model (LSG OGCM). Calibrating against the Marine20 curve using the upper and lower bounds provide estimates of calibrated ages for glacial 14C samples in high- and low-depletion scenarios which should bracket the true calendar age of the sample. In some circumstances, users may be able to determine which depletion scenario is more appropriate using independent paleoclimatic or proxy evidence.