Gallimore Eric

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  • Article
    Synthetic baseline navigation using phase-coherent acoustic communication signals
    (Acoustical Society of America, 2019-12-31) Gallimore, Eric ; Anderson, Mark ; Freitag, Lee E. ; Terrill, Eric
    The development of a synthetic baseline navigation technique that self-localizes an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) using intermittent acoustic communications signals received by a single transducer is described, along with field results from in-ocean tests. The method uses the phase measurement at the output of a second-order phase-locked loop to create fine-scale pseudorange estimates in addition to, or in the absence of, a one-way travel time measurement based on the arrival time of the acoustic data packet. These range measurements are incorporated by an adaptive particle filter. This technique allows the vehicle navigation system to take advantage of multiple phase-derived range measurements made over the duration of a communication packet. These measurements, when incorporated with an appropriate filter and vehicle kinematic model, improve vehicle navigation at no additional cost in navigation-specific acoustic transmissions. This approach was demonstrated and evaluated with data collected at-sea using a REMUS 100 AUV (Hydroid, Inc., Pocasset, MA).