Srednick Griffin

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Biological data (net calcification and production) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Biological data (net calcification and production) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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Flume flow data from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Flume flow data from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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Alkalinity and salinity from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Alkalinity and salinity from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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Temperature from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Temperature from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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Dissolved oxygen (DO) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Dissolved oxygen (DO) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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pH from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

pH measured by a seafet sensor from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:

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Dissolved oxygen (DO) flux from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018

2020-06-12 , Srednick, Griffin , Edmunds, Peter J. , Carpenter, Robert

Dissolved oxygen flux from in-situ flume experiments to manipulate pCO2 on shallow tropical coral reef communities at UCB Gump Research Station Moorea, French Polynesia in May of 2018. These data are for a proof of trial experiment for the Shallow COral REef Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (SCORE FOCE), outlined in Srednick et al. (2020). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: