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ArticleEddy-Kuroshio interaction processes revealed by mooring observations off Taiwan and Luzon(John Wiley & Sons, 2015-10-08) Tsai, Cheng-Ju ; Andres, Magdalena ; Jan, Sen ; Mensah, Vigan ; Sanford, Thomas B. ; Lien, Ren-Chieh ; Lee, Craig M.The influence and fate of westward propagating eddies that impinge on the Kuroshio were observed with pressure sensor-equipped inverted echo sounders (PIESs) deployed east of Taiwan and northeast of Luzon. Zero lag correlations between PIES-measured acoustic travel times and satellite-measured sea surface height anomalies (SSHa), which are normally negative, have lower magnitude toward the west, suggesting the eddy-influence is weakened across the Kuroshio. The observational data reveal that impinging eddies lead to seesaw-like SSHa and pycnocline depth changes across the Kuroshio east of Taiwan, whereas analogous responses are not found in the Kuroshio northeast of Luzon. Anticyclones intensify sea surface and pycnocline slopes across the Kuroshio, while cyclones weaken these slopes, particularly east of Taiwan. During the 6 month period of overlap between the two PIES arrays, only one anticyclone affected the pycnocline depth first at the array northeast of Luzon and 21 days later in the downstream Kuroshio east of Taiwan.
ArticleDownstream evolution of the Kuroshio's time-varying transport and velocity structure(John Wiley & Sons, 2017-05-02) Andres, Magdalena ; Mensah, Vigan ; Jan, Sen ; Chang, Ming-Huei ; Yang, Y.-J. ; Lee, Craig M. ; Ma, Barry ; Sanford, Thomas B.Observations from two companion field programs—Origins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Current (OKMC) and Observations of Kuroshio Transport Variability (OKTV)—are used here to examine the Kuroshio's temporal and spatial evolution. Kuroshio strength and velocity structure were measured between June 2012 and November 2014 with pressure-sensor equipped inverted echo sounders (PIESs) and upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) deployed across the current northeast of Luzon, Philippines, and east of Taiwan with an 8 month overlap in the two arrays' deployment periods. The time-mean net (i.e., integrated from the surface to the bottom) absolute transport increases downstream from 7.3 Sv (±4.4 Sv standard error) northeast of Luzon to 13.7 Sv (±3.6 Sv) east of Taiwan. The observed downstream increase is consistent with the return flow predicted by the simple Sverdrup relation and the mean wind stress curl field over the North Pacific (despite the complicated bathymetry and gaps along the North Pacific western boundary). Northeast of Luzon, the Kuroshio—bounded by the 0 m s−1 isotach—is shallower than 750 dbar, while east of Taiwan areas of positive flow reach to the seafloor (3000 m). Both arrays indicate a deep counterflow beneath the poleward-flowing Kuroshio (–10.3 ± 2.3 Sv by Luzon and −12.5 ± 1.2 Sv east of Taiwan). Time-varying transports and velocities indicate the strong influence at both sections of westward propagating eddies from the ocean interior. Topography associated with the ridges east of Taiwan also influences the mean and time-varying velocity structure there.
ArticleLaboratory experiments and observations of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies impinging on an island(John Wiley & Sons, 2013-02-13) Andres, Magdalena ; Cenedese, ClaudiaLaboratory experiments are conducted to investigate the interactions of self-propagating barotropic cyclones and baroclinic anticyclones with an island. Results are interpreted in the context of observations around Okinawa Island, Japan, where ubiquitous arrivals of cyclones and anticyclones on the southeastern side of the island influence the flow around it, thereby impacting both the Ryukyu Current's and the Kuroshio's transport. In the laboratory, baroclinic anticyclones generate a buoyant current that flows clockwise around an island whereas barotropic cyclones generate a counterclockwise current. In both cases, the interaction is governed by conservation of circulation Γ around the island, which establishes a balance between the dissipation along the island in contact with the eddy and the dissipation along the island in contact with the generated current. Laboratory results and scaling analysis suggest that the interaction between an anticyclone (cyclone) and Okinawa Island should result in an instantaneous increase (decrease) of the Ryukyu Current transport and a delayed increase (decrease) of the Kuroshio transport. The estimated delays are in good agreement with those obtained with field measurements suggesting that the dynamics at play in the laboratory may be relevant for the flow around Okinawa Island.
ArticleEddy-Kuroshio interactions : local and remote effects(John Wiley & Sons, 2017-12-11) Jan, Sen ; Mensah, Vigan ; Andres, Magdalena ; Chang, Ming-Huei ; Yang, Yiing-JangQuasi-geostrophic mesoscale eddies regularly impinge on the Kuroshio in the western North Pacific, but the processes underlying the evolution of these eddy-Kuroshio interactions have not yet been thoroughly investigated in the literature. Here this interaction is examined with results from a semi-idealized three-dimensional numerical model and observations from four pressure-sensor equipped inverted echo sounders (PIESs) in a zonal section east of Taiwan and satellite altimeters. Both the observations and numerical simulations suggest that, during the interaction of a cyclonic eddy with the Kuroshio, the circular eddy is deformed into an elliptic shape with the major axis in the northwest-southeast direction, before being dissipated; the poleward velocity and associated Kuroshio transport decrease and the sea level and pycnocline slopes across the Kuroshio weaken. In contrast, for an anticyclonic eddy during the eddy-Kuroshio interaction, variations in the velocity, sea level, and isopycnal depth are reversed; the circular eddy is also deformed to an ellipse but with the major axis parallel to the Kuroshio. The model results also demonstrate that the velocity field is modified first and consequently the SSH and isopycnal depth evolve during the interaction. Furthermore, due to the combined effect of impingement latitude and realistic topography, some eddy-Kuroshio interactions east of Taiwan are found to have remote effects, both in the Luzon Strait and on the East China Sea shelf northeast of Taiwan.
ArticleManifestation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the Kuroshio(American Geophysical Union, 2009-08-28) Andres, Magdalena ; Park, Jae-Hun ; Wimbush, Mark ; Zhu, Xiao-Hua ; Nakamura, Hirohiko ; Kim, Kuh ; Chang, Kyung-IlPacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index is strongly correlated with vertically integrated transport carried by the Kuroshio through the East China Sea (ECS). Transport was determined from satellite altimetry calibrated with in situ data and its correlation with PDO index (0.76) is highest at zero lag. Total PDO-correlated transport variation carried by the ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current is about 4 Sv. In addition, PDO index is strongly negatively correlated, at zero lag, with NCEP wind-stress-curl over the central North Pacific at ECS latitudes. Sverdrup transport, calculated from wind-stress-curl anomalies, is consistent with the observed transport variations. Finally, PDO index and ECS-Kuroshio transport are each negatively correlated with Kuroshio Position Index in the Tokara Strait; this can be explained by a model in which Kuroshio path is steered by topography when transport is low and is inertially controlled when transport is high.
ArticleObservations of the Kuroshio's barotropic and baroclinic responses to basin-wide wind forcing(American Geophysical Union, 2011-04-15) Andres, Magdalena ; Kwon, Young-Oh ; Yang, JiayanObservations show that the Kuroshio in the East China Sea (ECS-Kuroshio) responds to the large-scale wind stress curl field at two time scales. It is argued that these two responses are related to barotropic and baroclinic modes that reach the ECS via different waveguides. Variability in the ECS-Kuroshio is assessed by comparing satellite altimetry, historical hydrography, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index with the latter used as a proxy for the large-scale wind stress curl forcing. Sea level difference across the ECS-Kuroshio is positively correlated with PDO at zero lag and negatively correlated at 7 year lag. In contrast, pycnocline steepness and PDO are uncorrelated at zero lag and negatively correlated at 7 year lag. These signals in the ECS-Kuroshio, considered together with wind stress curl anomalies in the open ocean, are consistent with a barotropic response to the wind at zero lag. The barotropic response is likely forced in the central North Pacific by wind stress curl anomalies of opposite sign, one of which is centered at ECS latitudes (∼27°N) while the other sits further north. This suggests that, in general, the absolute transport at a given latitude is not simply that predicted by the Sverdrup balance along the latitude. This is a consequence of waveguides that can steer the barotropic mode across latitude lines. In contrast, the signals that lag PDO by 7 years are consistent with a baroclinic mode, which represents the ocean's time-integrated response to the wind stress curl along a single latitude band between 24°N and 27°N.
ArticleSubmesoscale eddy and frontal instabilities in the Kuroshio interacting with a cape south of Taiwan(American Geophysical Union, 2020-04-23) Cheng, Yu‐Hsin ; Chang, Ming-Huei ; Ko, Dong S. ; Jan, Sen ; Andres, Magdalena ; Kirincich, Anthony R. ; Yang, Yiing-Jang ; Tai, Jen‐HuaThe processes underlying the strong Kuroshio encountering a cape at the southernmost tip of Taiwan are examined with satellite‐derived chlorophyll and temperature maps, a drifter trajectory, and realistic model simulations. The interaction spurs the formation of submesoscale cyclonic eddies that trap cold and high‐chlorophyll water and the formation of frontal waves between the free stream and the wake flow. An observed train of eddies, which have relative vorticity about one to four times the planetary vorticity (f), is shed from the recirculation that occurs in the immediate lee of the cape as a result of flow separation. These propagate downstream at a speed of 0.5–0.6 m s−1. Farther downstream, the corotation and merging of two or three adjacent eddies are common owing to the topography‐induced slowdown of eddy propagation farther downstream. It is found that the relative vorticity of a corotating system (1.2f) is 70% weaker than that of a single eddy due to the increase of eddy diameter from ~16 to ~33 km, in agreement with Kelvin's circulation theorem. The shedding period of the submesoscale eddies is strongly modulated by either diurnal or semidiurnal tidal flows, which typically reach 0.2–0.5 m s−1, whereas its intrinsic shedding period is insignificant. The frontal waves predominate in the horizontal free shear layer emitted from the cape, as well as a density front. Energetics analysis suggests that the wavy features result primarily from the growth of barotropic instability in the free shear layer, which may play a secondary process in the headland wake.