Raymond Peter A.

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Peter A.

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    Multiple-source heterotrophy fueled by aged organic carbon in an urbanized estuary
    ( 2010-08-02) Griffith, David R. ; Raymond, Peter A.
    The lower Hudson River is a highly urbanized estuary that receives large inputs of treated wastewater. To determine how organic matter from wastewater influences carbon cycling in this type of system, we measured chlorophyll a, pCO2, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), δ13C-DOC, and Δ14C-DOC along the salinity gradient and at wastewater treatment plants. Isotopic mixing curves indicate a net removal of DOC that is 13C enriched and 14C depleted. The amount of DOC removed was consistent with CO2 evasion from the estuary. During two transects at average to low flow, the lower Hudson River Estuary was a heterotrophic system with CO2 evasion balanced by the utilization of aged DOC derived from wastewater and marine phytoplankton that enter the estuary at the seaward end-member. DOC removals were largest during a period of high river flow, when isotopic mixing curves also suggest large contributions from labile terrestrial OC sources. Overall, our results suggest that net heterotrophy in the lower Hudson River Estuary is fueled by aged labile DOC derived from a combination of sources, which are influenced by seasonal phytoplankton blooms, hydrological conditions, and the nature of wastewater inputs.
  • Article
    Landscape-level controls on dissolved carbon flux from diverse catchments of the circumboreal
    (American Geophysical Union, 2012-08-21) Tank, Suzanne E. ; Frey, Karen E. ; Striegl, Robert G. ; Raymond, Peter A. ; Holmes, Robert M. ; McClelland, James W. ; Peterson, Bruce J.
    While much of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) within rivers is destined for mineralization to CO2, a substantial fraction of riverine bicarbonate (HCO3−) flux represents a CO2 sink, as a result of weathering processes that sequester CO2 as HCO3−. We explored landscape-level controls on DOC and HCO3− flux in subcatchments of the boreal, with a specific focus on the effect of permafrost on riverine dissolved C flux. To do this, we undertook a multivariate analysis that partitioned the variance attributable to known, key regulators of dissolved C flux (runoff, lithology, and vegetation) prior to examining the effect of permafrost, using riverine biogeochemistry data from a suite of subcatchments drawn from the Mackenzie, Yukon, East, and West Siberian regions of the circumboreal. Across the diverse catchments that we study, controls on HCO3− flux were near-universal: runoff and an increased carbonate rock contribution to weathering (assessed as riverwater Ca:Na) increased HCO3− yields, while increasing permafrost extent was associated with decreases in HCO3−. In contrast, permafrost had contrasting and region-specific effects on DOC yield, even after the variation caused by other key drivers of its flux had been accounted for. We used ionic ratios and SO4 yields to calculate the potential range of CO2 sequestered via weathering across these boreal subcatchments, and show that decreasing permafrost extent is associated with increases in weathering-mediated CO2 fixation across broad spatial scales, an effect that could counterbalance some of the organic C mineralization that is predicted with declining permafrost.