Garrett Christopher

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Technical Report

2004 program of study : tides

2005-07 , Balmforth, Neil J. , Llewellyn Smith, Stefan , Hendershott, Myrl , Garrett, Christopher

The summer of 2004 saw the GFD program tackle “Tides”. Myrl Hendershott (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) gave a fabulous introduction to the subject in the first week of the course, laying the foundations from astronomy and classical geophysical fluid dynamics. In the second week, Chris Garrett (University of Victoria) admirably followed up with recent developments on the subject, including the recent observations from satellite altimetry, their implications to mixing and circulation, and even a memorable lecture on the noble theme of how we might solve the world's energy crisis. The principal lectures proved unusually popular this summer, and the seminar room at Walsh often overflowed in the first two weeks. Following on from the lectures, the seminar schedule of the summer covered in greater detail the oceanographic issues with which researchers are actively grappling. We also heard about related problems regarding atmospheric, planetary and stellar tides, together with the usual mix of topics on GFD in general. The summer once again featured a lecture for the general public in the Woods Hole area. Carl Wunsch delivered a very well received lecture entitled “Climate Change Stories”, in which he gave an impression of how scientists generally believe our climate is currently changing, whilst simultaneously urging caution against some of the more outrageous and exaggerated claims. The lecture was held at Lilly Auditorium, thanks to the hospitality of the Marine Biology Laboratory. The reception following the lecture was enjoyed by all. Neil Balmforth and Stefan Llewellyn Smith acted as Co-Directors for the summer. Janet Fields, Jeanne Fleming and Penny Foster provided the administrative backbone to the Program, both during the summer and throughout the year beforehand. As always, we were grateful to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for the use of Walsh Cottage, and Keith Bradley's solid service could not be overlooked. Shilpa Ghadge and Shreyas Mandre are to be thanked for their part in comforting the fellows, developing the summer's proceedings volume (available on the GFD web site) and for running the computer network.

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Tidal fronts and their role in air-sea gas exchange

2006-07 , Baschek, Burkard , Farmer, David M. , Garrett, Christopher

Tidal fronts are a common feature of many coastal environments. They are characterized by a surface convergence zone that enhances wave breaking and the generation of gas bubbles due to wave-current interaction. The associated downwelling currents carry bubbles to depths of up to 160 m and increase the amount of air that dissolves from them. An energetic tidal front is formed at the entrance to the Strait of Georgia, BC, Canada, by a hydraulically controlled sill flow with vertical velocities of up to 0.75 m s−1. Extensive ship-board measurements during two cruises are interpreted with models of wave-current interaction and gas bubble behavior. The observations suggest that tidal fronts may contribute significantly to the aeration of the subsurface waters in the Fraser Estuary. This process may be also of importance for other coastal environments with plunging sill flows of dense water that deliver aerated surface water to intermediate depths.

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On the turbulent co-spectrum of two scalars and its effect on acoustic scattering from oceanic turbulence

2004-08-24 , Ross, Tetjana , Garrett, Christopher , Lueck, Rolf

While acoustic scatter from oceanic turbulence is sensitive to temperature–salinity covariations, there are unfortunately no published measurements of the turbulent temperature–salinity co-spectrum. Several models have been proposed for the form of the co-spectrum of two scalars in turbulence, but they all produce unsatisfactory results when applied to the turbulent scattering equations (either predicting negative scattering cross-sections in some regimes or predicting implausible levels of correlation between temperature and salinity at some scales). A new model is proposed and shown to give physically plausible scattering predictions in all density regimes. High-frequency acoustic data illustrate the importance of the co-spectrum for acoustic scattering, but were collected in a density regime where there is little difference between the co-spectrum models.