Robert L.
Robert L.
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Technical ReportAtlantic Long-Term Oceanographic Mooring (ALTOMOOR)(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1996-03) Frye, Daniel E. ; Merriam, Steve ; Eastwood, Robert L. ; Kemp, John N. ; McPhee, Neil M. ; Liberatore, Stephen P. ; Hobart, Edward ; Bocconcelli, Alessandro ; Tarbell, Susan A.The Atlantic Long-Term Oceanogrphic Mooring (ALTOMOOR) has been maintained offshore Bermuda since 1993 as a testbed for the evaluation of new data telemetry technologies and new oceanographic instrumentation. It is currently a joint project between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Southern California This report documents the WHOI contributions which have focused on the development of new data telemetry methods and new mooring technology. Details of the instrumentation evaluations will be published separately. A new inductively-coupled telemetry technology for ocean moorings has been developed and tested on ALTOMOOR. The inductive link uses standard, plastic-jacketed mooring wire as the transmission path for data generated at the individual instruments installed on the mooring. The signals are inductively linked to the mooring wire via toroids clamped around the wire, thus avoiding the need for multiconductor electromechanical cables terminated at each instrument. Seawater provides the electrical return path. The inductive modems send and receive data at 1200b/s. A controller in the surface buoy collects data from each of the subsurface instruments and forwards the data to shore by traditional satellite telemetry (Argos) and by short range radio using a nearby ship as a store and forward node. The buoy-to-ship link operates over about 2 km at 10kBytes/sec. When the ship docks, data are offloaded automatically to a computer on shore which can be accessed via the Internet.
ArticleAcoustic scattering by benthic and planktonic shelled animals(Acoustical Society of America, 2000-08) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Wiebe, Peter H. ; Eastwood, Robert L. ; Warren, Joseph D.Acoustic backscattering measurements and associated scattering modeling were recently conducted on a type of benthic shelled animal that has a spiral form of shell (Littorina littorea). Benthic and planktonic shelled animals with this shape occur on the seafloor and in the water column, respectively, and can be a significant source of acoustic scattering in the ocean. Modeling of the scattering properties allows reverberation predictions to be made for sonar performance predictions as well as for detection and classification of animals for biological and ecological applications. The studies involved measurements over the frequency range 24 kHz to 1 MHz and all angles of orientation in as small as 1° increments. This substantial data set is quite revealing of the physics of the acoustic scattering by these complex shelled bodies and served as a basis for the modeling. Specifically, the resonance structure of the scattering was strongly dependent upon angle of orientation and could be traced to various types of rays (e.g., subsonic Lamb waves and rays entering the opercular opening). The data are analyzed in both the frequency and time domain (compressed pulse processing) so that dominant scattering mechanisms could be identified. Given the complexity of the animal body (irregular elastic shell with discontinuities), approximate scattering models are used with only the dominant scattering properties retained. Two models are applied to the data, both approximating the body as a deformed sphere: (1) an averaged form of the exact modal-series-based solution for the spherical shell, which is used to estimate the backscattering by a deformed shell averaged over all angles of orientation, and produces reasonably accurate predictions over all k1aesr (k1 is the acoustic wave number of the surrounding water and aesr is the equivalent spherical radius of the body), and (2) a ray-based formula which is used to estimate the scattering at fixed angle of orientation, but only for high k1aesr. The ray-based model is an extension of a model recently developed for the shelled zooplankton Limacina retroversa that has a shape similar to that of the Littorina littorea but swims through the water [Stanton et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 236–253 (1998b)]. Applications of remote detection and classification of the seafloor and water column in the presence of shelled animals are discussed.
ArticleSound scattering by several zooplankton groups. I. Experimental determination of dominant scattering mechanisms(Acoustical Society of America, 1998-01) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Wiebe, Peter H. ; Martin, Linda V. ; Eastwood, Robert L.The acoustic scattering properties of live individual zooplankton from several gross anatomical groups have been investigated. The groups involve (1) euphausiids (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) whose bodies behave acoustically as a fluid material, (2) gastropods (Limacina retroversa) whose bodies include a hard elastic shell, and (3) siphonophores (Agalma okeni or elegans and Nanomia cara) whose bodies contain a gas inclusion (pneumatophore). The animals were collected from ocean waters off New England (Slope Water, Georges Bank, and the Gulf of Maine). The scattering properties were measured over parts or all of the frequency range 50 kHz to 1 MHz in a laboratory-style pulse-echo setup in a large tank at sea using live fresh specimens. Individual echoes as well as averages and ping-to-ping fluctuations of repeated echoes were studied. The material type of each group is shown to strongly affect both the overall echo level and pattern of the target strength versus frequency plots. In this first article of a two-part series, the dominant scattering mechanisms of the three animal types are determined principally by examining the structure of both the frequency spectra of individual broadband echoes and the compressed pulse (time series) output. Other information is also used involving the effect on overall levels due to (1) animal orientation and (2) tissue in animals having a gas inclusion (siphonophores). The results of this first paper show that (1) the euphausiids behave as weakly scattering fluid bodies and there are major contributions from at least two parts of the body to the echo (the number of contributions depends upon angle of orientation and shape), (2) the gastropods produce echoes from the front interface and possibly from a slow-traveling circumferential (Lamb) wave, and (3) the gas inclusion of the siphonophore dominates the echoes, but the tissue plays a role in the scattering and is especially important when analyzing echoes from individual animals on a ping-by-ping basis. The results of this paper serve as the basis for the development of acoustic scattering models in the companion paper [Stanton et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 236–253 (1998)].