David S.
David S.
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Technical ReportIntelligent chilled mirror humidity sensor(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1988-12) Hosom, David S. ; Winget, Clifford L. ; Weisman, Sumner ; Doucet, Donald P. ; Price, James F.A new, intelligent, chilled mirror humidity instrument has been designed for use on buoys and ships. The design goal is to make high quality dew point temperature measurements for a period of up to one year from an unattended platform, while consuming as little power as possible. Nominal system accuracy is 0.3°C, and a measure of data quality is provided to indicate possible drift in calibration. Energy consumption is typically 800 Joules per measurement; standby power consumption is 0.05 watts. Control of the instrument is managed by an onboard central processing unit which is programmable in BASIC, and communication to an external data logger is provided through an RS232 compatible interface. This report describes the preliminary sensor tests that led to this new design and provides the complete technical description required for fabrication.
Technical ReportImproved meteorological measurements from buoys and ships (IMET) : preliminary analysis of solar radiation and motion data from IMET test buoy(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1989-10) Crescenti, Gennaro H. ; Weller, Robert A. ; Hosom, David S. ; Prada, Kenneth E.Data are analyzed from a test buoy equipped with a motion sensor (Hippy) and two different pyranometers in order to understand and quantify motion induced errors in meteorological data. The Hippy measures pitch, roll, heave and acceleration of the buoy. Probability density functions and spectra of buoy motion and insolation are constructed and discussed.