Wang Shouyi

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  • Article
    Trace metal evidence for deglacial ventilation of the abyssal Pacific and Southern Oceans
    (American Geophysical Union, 2021-08-17) Pavia, Frank ; Wang, Shouyi ; Middleton, Jennifer L. ; Murray, Richard W. ; Anderson, Robert F.
    The deep ocean has long been recognized as the reservoir that stores the carbon dioxide (CO2) removed from the atmosphere during Pleistocene glacial periods. The removal of glacial atmospheric CO2 into the ocean is likely modulated by an increase in the degree of utilization of macronutrients at the sea surface and enhanced storage of respired CO2 in the deep ocean, known as enhanced efficiency of the biological pump. Enhanced biological pump efficiency during glacial periods is most easily documented in the deep ocean using proxies for oxygen concentrations, which are directly linked to respiratory CO2 levels. We document the enhanced storage of respired CO2 during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Pacific Southern Ocean and deepest Equatorial Pacific using records of deglacial authigenic manganese, which form as relict peaks during increases in bottom water oxygen (BWO) concentration. These peaks are found at depths and regions where other oxygenation histories have been ambiguous, due to diagenetic alteration of authigenic uranium, another proxy for BWO. Our results require that the entirety of the abyssal Pacific below approximately 1,000 m was enriched in respired CO2 and depleted in oxygen during the LGM. The presence of authigenic Mn enrichment in the deep Equatorial Pacific for each of the last five deglaciations suggests that the storage of respired CO2 in the deep ocean is a ubiquitous feature of late-Pleistocene ice ages.
  • Article
    Freshwater contributions to decadal variability of the Indonesian Throughflow
    (American Geophysical Union, 2023-07-26) Wang, Shouyi ; Ummenhofer, Caroline C. ; Oppo, Delia W. ; Murty, Sujata A. ; Wagner, Patrick ; Boning, Claus W. ; Biastoch, Arne
    The Makassar Strait, the main passageway of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), is an important component of Indo-Pacific climate through its inter-basin redistribution of heat and freshwater. Observational studies suggest that wind-driven freshwater advection from the marginal seas into the Makassar Strait modulates the strait's surface transport. However, direct observations are too short (<15 years) to resolve variability on decadal timescales. Here we use a series of global ocean simulations to assess the advected freshwater contributions to ITF transport across a range of timescales. The simulated seasonal and interannual freshwater dynamics are consistent with previous studies. On decadal timescales, we find that wind-driven advection of South China Sea (SCS) waters into the Makassar Strait modulates upper-ocean ITF transport. Atmospheric circulation changes associated with Pacific decadal variability appear to drive this mechanism via Pacific lower-latitude western boundary current interactions that affect the SCS circulation.
  • Article
    Deglacial temperature and carbonate saturation state variability in the tropical Atlantic at Antarctic Intermediate Water Depths
    (Wiley, 2023-08-26) Oppo, Delia W. ; Lu, Wanyi ; Huang, Kuo-Fang ; Umling, Natalie E. ; Guo, Weifu ; Yu, Jimin ; Curry, William B. ; Marchitto, Thomas M. ; Wang, Shouyi
    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is characterized by northward flow in the upper ocean and southward flow in the deep ocean. Understanding how the AMOC has changed in the past, and how such changes have affected surface climate and the distribution of ocean heat, carbon, and nutrients is important but challenging, as reconstructions of subsurface ocean properties are sometimes ambiguous. Here, we use the chemical composition of seafloor shells from a site in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean at ∼950 m water depth, within the northward-flowing limb of the AMOC, to reconstruct temperature, nutrients, and carbon content during the end of the last Ice Age, an interval when AMOC strength is believed to have varied. Our results support a link between AMOC strength and tropical Atlantic nutrient content, and further suggest that both rising atmospheric CO2 and AMOC variations influenced temperatures and carbon in the subsurface tropical Atlantic Ocean.