Rosenthal Joshua J. C.

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Joshua J. C.

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  • Article
    A-to-I RNA editing in the earliest-diverging Eumetazoan phyla
    (Oxford University Press, 2017-04-08) Porath, Hagit T. ; Schaffer, Amos A. ; Kaniewska, Paulina ; Alon, Shahar ; Eisenberg, Eli ; Rosenthal, Joshua J. C. ; Levanon, Erez ; Levy, Oren
    The highly conserved ADAR enzymes, found in all multicellular metazoans, catalyze the editing of mRNA transcripts by the deamination of adenosines to inosines. This type of editing has two general outcomes: site specific editing, which frequently leads to recoding, and clustered editing, which is usually found in transcribed genomic repeats. Here, for the first time, we looked for both editing of isolated sites and clustered, non-specific sites in a basal metazoan, the coral Acropora millepora during spawning event, in order to reveal its editing pattern. We found that the coral editome resembles the mammalian one: it contains more than 500,000 sites, virtually all of which are clustered in non-coding regions that are enriched for predicted dsRNA structures. RNA editing levels were increased during spawning and increased further still in newly released gametes. This may suggest that editing plays a role in introducing variability in coral gametes.
  • Article
    Extensive recoding of the neural proteome in cephalopods by RNA editing
    (Annual Reviews, 2023-02) Rosenthal, Joshua J.C. ; Eisenberg, Eli
    The coleoid cephalopods have the largest brains, and display the most complex behaviors, of all invertebrates. The molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie these remarkable advancements remain largely unexplored. Early molecular cloning studies of squid ion channel transcripts uncovered an unusually large number of A?I RNA editing sites that recoded codons. Further cloning of other neural transcripts showed a similar pattern. The advent of deep-sequencing technologies and the associated bioinformatics allowed the mapping of RNA editing events across the entire neural transcriptomes of various cephalopods. The results were remarkable: They contained orders of magnitude more recoding editing sites than any other taxon. Although RNA editing sites are abundant in most multicellular metazoans, they rarely recode. In cephalopods, the majority of neural transcripts are recoded. Recent studies have focused on whether these events are adaptive, as well as other noncanonical aspects of cephalopod RNA editing.