Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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  • Technical Report
    Data telemetry, assimilation and ocean modeling : semi-annual report for the period October 1, 1986 to April 1, 1987
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1987-06) Frye, Daniel E. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; Harvard University
    The University Research Initiative Program is a cooperative project between woods Hole oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard. The objectives of this 5-year Office of Naval Research funded program are to advance the state of the art in ocean data telemetry, interpretation of remotely sensed data from satellite, and numerical modeling of ocean circulation. Ocean data telemetry is being addressed by several development projects whose aim is to reliably transfer data from in situ oceanographic instruments to laboratory computers on the shore. The satellite oceanography group is developing expertise in analyzing, manipulating, displaying and archiving data from all of the major satellite oceanographic sensors. The numerical modeling initiative is working on a family of circulation models which can be connected at their boundaries to cover the important mesoscale and basin wide flow regimes. These ambitious plans are intended to bring new technologies developed in the communications, electronics, satellite sensing and computer science fields into everyday use in oceanography so that they can be ready for the global science programs planned for the 1990's.