Malkus Willem V. R.

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Willem V. R.

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  • Technical Report
    Notes on the 1969 Summer Study Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1969) Malkus, Willem V. R. ; Thayer, Mary C.
    The principal theme of this eleventh Summer Program has been Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. As in the past, we have explored the region of overlap in technique and theory of our summer theme and other aspects of Fluid Dynamics. An interesting example of this overlap is the application of the physics of salt-finger instability, a significant oceanographic process, to instabilities due to differential rotation in the sun, a critical problem in stellar evolution.
  • Technical Report
    Notes on the 1970 summer study program in geophysical fluid dynamics at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1970) Malkus, Willem V. R. ; Thayer, Mary C.
    The principal lectures of this twelfth Summer Program were given by Joseph Pedlosky of the University of Chicago. On the following page one sees Dr. Pedlosky demonstrating advanced effects caused by rotation and stratification. Only in his last few lectures do these novel phenomena emerge from the analysis.