Panlilio Jennifer M.

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Jennifer M.

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  • Preprint
    Developmental exposure to domoic acid disrupts startle response behavior and circuitry in zebrafish
    (Oxford University Press, 2021-06-07) Panlilio, Jennifer M. ; Jones, Ian T. ; Salanga, Matthew C. ; Aluru, Neelakanteswar ; Hahn, Mark E.
    Harmful algal blooms produce potent neurotoxins that accumulate in seafood and are hazardous to human health. Developmental exposure to the harmful algal bloom toxin, domoic acid (DomA), has behavioral consequences well into adulthood, but the cellular and molecular mechanisms of DomA developmental neurotoxicity are largely unknown. To assess these, we exposed zebrafish embryos to DomA during the previously identified window of susceptibility and used the well-known startle response circuit as a tool to identify specific neuronal components that are targeted by exposure to DomA. Exposure to DomA reduced startle responsiveness to both auditory/vibrational and electrical stimuli, and even at the highest stimulus intensities tested, led to a dramatic reduction of one type of startle (short-latency c-starts). Furthermore, DomA-exposed larvae had altered kinematics for both types of startle responses tested, exhibiting shallower bend angles and slower maximal angular velocities. Using vital dye staining, immunolabeling, and live imaging of transgenic lines, we determined that although the sensory inputs were intact, the reticulospinal neurons required for short-latency c-starts were absent in most DomA-exposed larvae. Furthermore, axon tracing revealed that DomA-treated larvae also showed significantly reduced primary motor neuron axon collaterals. Overall, these results show that developmental exposure to DomA targets large reticulospinal neurons and motor neuron axon collaterals, resulting in measurable deficits in startle behavior. They further provide a framework for using the startle response circuit to identify specific neural populations disrupted by toxins or toxicants and to link these disruptions to functional consequences for neural circuit function and behavior.
  • Thesis
    Impacts of developmental exposures to the harmful algal bloom toxin domoic acid on neural development and behavior
    (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2019-06) Panlilio, Jennifer M.
    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can produce potent neurotoxins that accumulate in seafood and affect human health. One HAB toxin of concern is domoic acid (DomA), a glutamate analog produced by the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Current regulatory limits are designed to prevent acute neurotoxicity in adult humans. However, research shows that low-level exposure during early life can lead to long-term changes in behavior, neural connectivity, and brain morphology. To determine the underlying mechanisms of developmental toxicity, this dissertation used zebrafish as a tool to: i) Establish the developmental window of susceptibility for DomA toxicity, ii) Characterize the behavioral consequences of exposures, and iii) Identify the cellular targets and processes perturbed by DomA. I found that DomA exposure particularly at 2 days post fertilization (dpf) led to altered startle response behavior, myelination defects, and the downregulation of axonal and myelin structural genes. Using vital dyes and immunolabeling, I assessed DomA-induced alterations in cells required for the startle response. I found no differences in the number of sensory neuromasts or in the sensory cranial ganglia structures that detect the acoustic stimuli. However, the majority of DomA-treated larvae lacked one or both Mauthner cells – hindbrain neurons critical for fast startle responses. DomA-treated larvae also had oligodendrocytes with fewer and shorter myelin sheaths, and appeared to aberrantly myelinate neuronal cell bodies. The loss of the Mauthner neurons and their axons may lead to a cellular environment where oligodendrocytes myelinate neuronal cell bodies in the absence of adequate axonal targets. Indeed, pharmacological treatment that reduced the oligodendrocyte number also led to the reduction in the number of these aberrant, myelinated cell bodies. These results indicate that exposure to DomA at a particular period in neural development targets specific cell types, disrupts myelination in the spinal cord, and leads to prolonged behavioral deficits. These mechanistic insights support hazard assessments of DomA exposures in humans during critical periods in early development.