Imaging procedures for stranded marine mammals
Imaging procedures for stranded marine mammals
Ketten, Darlene R.
Montie, Eric W.
Montie, Eric W.
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Biomedical materials
Imaging compatibility
Marine mammals
Imaging compatibility
Marine mammals
This section provides an introduction to biomedical imaging techniques and guidelines for diagnostic
imaging of marine mammals to assist with both live examination and necropsy procedures. The
procedures described are based on imaging equipment and techniques that are relatively common in
human and veterinary facilities and to provide the majority of stranding response groups with the most
likely options that will assist their efforts. The imaging techniques described include basic radiography,
computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and are applicable to both live and
post-mortem cases. Special emphasis has been placed on whole body, airway, head and ear imaging
procedures. Sub-sections cover basic information on the basic principles and appropriate applications for
radiography vs. CT vs. MRI, handling and preparation of live and dead animals in clinical settings, and
image and data formats that may be encountered. The protocols are also listed in outline form in order to
provide a rapid overview. The introductory discussion of principles behind techniques is not required to
employ the protocols but does provide additional information that can aid in deciding which techniques
are most efficacious and what the limitations are for interpretation of imaging data. Examples of some
pathology imaged with these procedures are also provided.
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Ketten, D. R., & Montie, E. W. (2008). Imaging procedures for stranded marine mammals. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.