John P. Trinkaus Embryology Notebook I Page 44
John P. Trinkaus Embryology Notebook I Page 44
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John Phillip Trinkaus - Papers
MBL Courses
MBL Courses
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus takes notes (with diagrams) on early development and anatomy of the Longfin shore squid (Loligo pealeii)
Lecturer: V. Hamburger, Lecture "The development of the squid (Loligo)." (Information taken from the 1939 Embryology Course Book)
Page 44 of 113 from the first notebook of lecture and laboratory notes that John P. Trinkaus took during his time as a student in the Marine Biological Laboratory Embryology Course in 1939 in Woods Hole, MA
MBL Archives, Trinkaus Collection, Box 13, Folder 4
Lecturer: V. Hamburger, Lecture "The development of the squid (Loligo)." (Information taken from the 1939 Embryology Course Book)
Page 44 of 113 from the first notebook of lecture and laboratory notes that John P. Trinkaus took during his time as a student in the Marine Biological Laboratory Embryology Course in 1939 in Woods Hole, MA
MBL Archives, Trinkaus Collection, Box 13, Folder 4