Ecological monitoring of marine invertebrates on Isla Natividad from 2006 to 2021

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Micheli, Fiorenza
Woodson, Clifton Brock
Hernández-Velasco, Arturo
Jacobson, Carolina Olguín
Torre, Jorge
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Date Created
Pacific Coast of Baja California (26 N to 32 N)
westlimit: -115.20503; southlimit: 27.50333; eastlimit: -115.04858; northlimit: 27.89524
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ecological monitoring
Baja California Sur
This dataset encompasses information about marine invertebrates transects between 2006 to 2021 in Isla Natividad. Abundances of invertebrates can be found in the data set. Also, the dates when the transects were done, the site, the name of the diver, the depth the transect was laid, if the site was a marine reserve or not, if the site is inside a marine protected area or not, the latitude and longitude of the sites, the temperature of the water, the number of transect from where the information was counted, and the species name of each invertebrate counted. Ecological monitoring is important to collect data of species that inhabit an specific ecosystem. For this data set, we present all the data form 2006 to 2021 on algae, marine invertebrates, fish and uniform point contact at six different sites in Isla Natividad off the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Data was collected once a year by trained divers as a collaborative effort from Stanford University, non-governmental organizations, and fishing cooperative federations. These data provides the abundaces of algae, invertebrates, fish and substrate of Isla Natividad over the spam of 15 years and may be use to assess changes in the ecosystems after shocks such as hypoxic events or marine heatwaves. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:
Dataset: Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Invertebrates
Embargo Date
Micheli, F., Woodson, C. B., Hernández-Velasco, A., Jacobson, C. O., & Torre, J. (2023). Ecological monitoring of marine invertebrates on Isla Natividad from 2006 to 2021 (Version 1) [Data set]. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO).
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