Soenen, Karen
Gerlach, Dana
Haskins, Christina
Heyl, Taylor
Kinkade, Danie
Newman, Sawyer
Rauch, Shannon
Saito, Mak A.
Shepherd, Adam
Wiebe, Peter
York, Amber D.
BCO-DMO curates a database of research-ready data spanning the full range of marine ecosystem related measurements including in-situ and remotely sensed observations, experimental and model results, and synthesis products. We work closely with investigators to publish data and information from research projects supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as those supported by state, private, and other funding sources. BCO-DMO supports all phases of the data life cycle and ensures open access of well-curated project data and information. We employ F.A.I.R. Principles that comprise a set of values intended to guide data producers and publishers in establishing good data management practices that will enable effective reuse.