Scholin Christopher A.

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Christopher A.

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  • Article
    Autonomous tracking and sampling of the deep chlorophyll maximum layer in an open-ocean eddy by a long-range autonomous underwater vehicle
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-10-13) Zhang, Yanwu ; Kieft, Brian ; Hobson, Brett W. ; Ryan, John P. ; Barone, Benedetto ; Preston, Christina M. ; Roman, Brent ; Raanan, Ben-Yair ; Marin, Roman ; O’Reilly, Thomas C. ; Rueda, Carlos A. ; Pargett, Douglas ; Yamahara, Kevan M. ; Poulos, Steve ; Romano, Anna ; Foreman, Gabe ; Ramm, Hans ; Wilson, Samuel T. ; DeLong, Edward F. ; Karl, David M. ; Birch, James M. ; Bellingham, James G. ; Scholin, Christopher A.
    Phytoplankton communities residing in the open ocean, the largest habitat on Earth, play a key role in global primary production. Through their influence on nutrient supply to the euphotic zone, open-ocean eddies impact the magnitude of primary production and its spatial and temporal distributions. It is important to gain a deeper understanding of the microbial ecology of marine ecosystems under the influence of eddy physics with the aid of advanced technologies. In March and April 2018, we deployed autonomous underwater and surface vehicles in a cyclonic eddy in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre to investigate the variability of the microbial community in the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) layer. One long-range autonomous underwater vehicle (LRAUV) carrying a third-generation Environmental Sample Processor (3G-ESP) autonomously tracked and sampled the DCM layer for four days without surfacing. The sampling LRAUV's vertical position in the DCM layer was maintained by locking onto the isotherm corresponding to the chlorophyll peak. The vehicle ran on tight circles while drifting with the eddy current. This mode of operation enabled a quasi-Lagrangian time series focused on sampling the temporal variation of the DCM population. A companion LRAUV surveyed a cylindrical volume around the sampling LRAUV to monitor spatial and temporal variation in contextual water column properties. The simultaneous sampling and mapping enabled observation of DCM microbial community in its natural frame of reference.
  • Preprint
    Diversity and toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia species in Monterey Bay : perspectives from targeted and adaptive sampling
    ( 2018-08) Bowers, Holly A. ; Ryan, John P. ; Hayashi, Kendra ; Woods, April ; Marin, Roman ; Smith, G. Jason ; Hubbard, Katherine A. ; Doucette, Gregory J. ; Mikulski, Christina M. ; Gellene, Alyssa G. ; Zhang, Yanwu ; Kudela, Raphael M. ; Caron, David A. ; Birch, James M. ; Scholin, Christopher A.
    Monterey Bay, California experiences near-annual blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia that can affect marine animal health and the economy, including impacts to tourism and commercial/recreational fisheries. One species in particular, P. australis, has been implicated in the most toxic of events, however other species within the genus can contribute to widespread variability in community structure and associated toxicity across years. Current monitoring methods are limited in their spatial coverage as well as their ability to capture the full suite of species present, thereby hindering understanding of HAB events and limiting predictive accuracy. An integrated deployment of multiple in situ platforms, some with autonomous adaptive sampling capabilities, occurred during two divergent bloom years in the bay, and uncovered detailed aspects of population and toxicity dynamics. A bloom in 2013 was characterized by spatial differences in Pseudo39 nitzschia populations, with the low-toxin producer P. fraudulenta dominating the inshore community and toxic P. australis dominating the offshore community. An exceptionally toxic bloom in 2015 developed as a diverse Pseudo-nitzschia community abruptly transitioned into a bloom of highly toxic P. australis within the time frame of a week. Increases in cell density and proliferation coincided with strong upwelling of nutrients. High toxicity was driven by silicate limitation of the dense bloom. This temporal shift in species composition mirrored the shift observed further north in the California Current System off Oregon and Washington. The broad scope of sampling and unique platform capabilities employed during these studies revealed important patterns in bloom formation and persistence for Pseudo-nitzschia. Results underscore the benefit of expanded biological observing capabilities and targeted sampling methods to capture more comprehensive spatial and temporal scales for studying and predicting future events.
  • Article
    Targeted sampling by autonomous underwater vehicles
    (Frontiers Media, 2019-08-14) Zhang, Yanwu ; Ryan, John P. ; Kieft, Brian ; Hobson, Brett W. ; McEwen, Robert S. ; Godin, Michael A. ; Harvey, Julio B. ; Barone, Benedetto ; Bellingham, James G. ; Birch, James M. ; Scholin, Christopher A. ; Chavez, Francisco P.
    In the vast ocean, many ecologically important phenomena are temporally episodic, localized in space, and move according to local currents. To effectively study these complex and evolving phenomena, methods that enable autonomous platforms to detect and respond to targeted phenomena are required. Such capabilities allow for directed sensing and water sample acquisition in the most relevant and informative locations, as compared against static grid surveys. To meet this need, we have designed algorithms for autonomous underwater vehicles that detect oceanic features in real time and direct vehicle and sampling behaviors as dictated by research objectives. These methods have successfully been applied in a series of field programs to study a range of phenomena such as harmful algal blooms, coastal upwelling fronts, and microbial processes in open-ocean eddies. In this review we highlight these applications and discuss future directions.
  • Article
    Examination of microbial proteome preservation techniques applicable to autonomous environmental sample collection
    (Frontiers Media, 2011-11-07) Saito, Mak A. ; Bulygin, Vladimir V. ; Moran, Dawn M. ; Taylor, Craig D. ; Scholin, Christopher A.
    Improvements in temporal and spatial sampling frequency have the potential to open new windows into the understanding of marine microbial dynamics. In recent years, efforts have been made to allow automated samplers to collect microbial biomass for DNA/RNA analyses from moored observatories and autonomous underwater vehicles. Measurements of microbial proteins are also of significant interest given their biogeochemical importance as enzymes that catalyze reactions and transporters that interface with the environment. We examined the influence of five preservatives solutions (SDS-extraction buffer, ethanol, trichloroacetic acid, B-PER, and RNAlater) on the proteome integrity of the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 after 4 weeks of storage at room temperature. Four approaches were used to assess degradation: total protein recovery, band integrity on an SDS detergent polyacrylamide electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gel, and number of protein identifications and relative abundances by 1-dimensional LC–MS/MS proteomic analyses. Total protein recoveries from the preserved samples were lower than the frozen control due to processing losses, which could be corrected for with internal standardization. The trichloroacetic acid preserved sample showed significant loss of protein band integrity on the SDS-PAGE gel. The RNAlater preserved sample showed the highest number of protein identifications (103% relative to the control; 520 ± 31 identifications in RNAlater versus 504 ± 4 in the control), equivalent to the frozen control. Relative abundances of individual proteins in the RNAlater treatment were quite similar to that of the frozen control (average ratio of 1.01 ± 0.27 for the 50 most abundant proteins), while the SDS-extraction buffer, ethanol, and B-PER all showed significant decreases in both number of identifications and relative abundances of individual proteins. Based on these findings, RNAlater was an effective proteome preservative, although further study is warranted on additional marine microbes.
  • Article
    New approaches and technologies for observing harmful algal blooms
    (Oceanography Society, 2005-06) Babin, Marcel ; Cullen, John C. ; Roesler, Collin S. ; Donaghay, Percy L. ; Doucette, Gregory J. ; Kahru, Mati ; Lewis, Marlon R. ; Scholin, Christopher A. ; Sieracki, Michael E. ; Sosik, Heidi M.
    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) represent a diverse range of phenomena that universally share only two characteristics: they produce effects on ecosystems or food resources that humans perceive as harmful, and their progression is fundamentally a process of population dynamics under oceanographic control. Because of the complexity, scales, and transient nature of HABs, their monitoring and prediction requires rapid, intensive, extensive, and sustained observations at sea. These requirements cannot be met with traditional approaches that depend on ships for sampling and laboratories for chemical or biological analyses. Fortunately, new sensing technologies that operate autonomously in situ will allow, in the near future, the development of comprehensive observation strategies for timely detection of HABs. In turn, developments in modeling will support prediction of these phenomena, based directly on real-time measurements.
  • Thesis
    Analysis of toxic and non-toxic Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) species using ribosomal RNA gene sequences
    (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1992-11) Scholin, Christopher A.
    Sequences of small subunit (Ss) and large subunit (Ls) ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) from the marine dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense, A. catenella, A. fundyense, A. affine, A. minutum, A. lusitanicum and A. andersoni were compared to assess the organisms' relationships. Cultures represent isolates from North America, Western Europe, Thailand, Japan, Australia and the ballast water of several cargo vessels, and include both toxic and non-toxic strains. An emphasis was placed on the A. tamarense/catenella/fundyense "species complex," a group of morphotypically-similar organisms found in many regions of the world. Two distinct SsrRNA genes, termed the "A gene" and the "B gene," were found in a toxic A. fundyense isolated from eastern North America. The B gene is considered to be a pseudogene. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assay developed to detect the A and B genes revealed five distinct groups of Alexandrium isolates. Three subdivide the A. tamarense/catenella/fundyense complex, but do not correlate with morphospecies designations. The two remaining groups are associated with cultures that clearly differ morphologically from the A. tamarense/ catenella/fundyense group: the fourth group consists of A. affine isolates, and the fifth group is represented by A. minutum, A.lusitanicum and A. andersoni. The B gene was only found in A. tamarense/catenella/ fundyense, but not in all members of this species complex. The B gene is not uniformly distributed among global populations of Alexandrium. All A. tamarense/catenella/fundyense isolates from North America harbor this gene, but it has also been found in some A. tamarense from scattered locations in Japan, as well as in A. tamarense from the ballast water of one cargo vessel which was on a defined run from Japan to Australia. The B gene may be endemic to North American populations of A. tamarense/catenella/fundyense. It is possible that in the recent past North American A. tamarense were introduced to Japanese waters, and cysts of these organisms have been transported from Japan to Australia. A subset of isolates examined using the the RFLP assay were also compared by cloning and sequencing a fragment of their LsrDNA. Eight major classes of LsrDNA sequences, termed "ribotypes," were identified. Five ribotypes subdivide members of the A. tamarense/catenella!fundyense complex; all isolates containing the B gene cluster as one ribotype. The three remaining ribotypes are typified by: 1) A. affine; 2) A. minutum and A. lusitanicum; and, 3) A. andersoni. LsrDNAs from A. minutum and A. lusitanicum are indistinguishable. A. minutum!lusitanicum/andersoni may represent another Alexandrium species complex, analogous to the A. tamarense/catenella/fundyense group. An organisms' ability to produce toxin appears to be correlated with its LsrDNA phylogenetic lineage. Ribotypes ascribed by the LsrDNA sequences are in complete agreement with, and offer a finer-scale resolution of, groups defined by SsrDNA restriction patterns. The SsrDNA RFLP groups and LsrDNA ribotypes are useful species- and population-specific markers. Alexandrium tamarense/catenella/fundyense exist as geneticallydistinct "strains" (populations), not three genetically-distinct species: representatives collected from the same geographic region appear the most similar, regardless of morphotype, whereas those from geographicallyseparated populations are more divergent even when the same morphospecies are compared. Contrary to this general pattern, A. tamarense/catenella from Japan were found to be exceptionally heterogeneous. Ballast water samples show that viable cysts (resting spores) of toxigenic A. tamarense/catenella are being discharged into Australian ports from multiple, genetically-distinct source populations. The rDNA sequences were also used to test theories accounting for the evolution and global dispersal of A. tamarense/catenella/fundyense. Results suggest a monophyletic radiation of these organisms from a common ancestor that included, or gave rise to, multiple morphotypes. Populations appear to have diverged as a result of vicariance (geographic isolation). The co-occurrence of genetically-distinct strains of these organisms is an indication of dispersal. An example of this is seen in Japan where an introduction of North American A. tamarense appears likely. Determining the timing of dispersal events is problematic if based strictly on rDNA sequence similarities, since these molecules undergo change on a scale of millions of years.