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ArticleCarbohydrate–carbohydrate interaction provides adhesion force and specificity for cellular recognition(Rockefeller University Press, 2004-05-17) Bucior, Iwona ; Scheuring, Simon ; Engel, Andreas ; Burger, Max M.The adhesion force and specificity in the first experimental evidence for cell–cell recognition in the animal kingdom were assigned to marine sponge cell surface proteoglycans. However, the question whether the specificity resided in a protein or carbohydrate moiety could not yet be resolved. Here, the strength and species specificity of cell–cell recognition could be assigned to a direct carbohydrate–carbohydrate interaction. Atomic force microscopy measurements revealed equally strong adhesion forces between glycan molecules (190–310 piconewtons) as between proteins in antibody–antigen interactions (244 piconewtons). Quantitative measurements of adhesion forces between glycans from identical species versus glycans from different species confirmed the species specificity of the interaction. Glycan-coated beads aggregated according to their species of origin, i.e., the same way as live sponge cells did. Live cells also demonstrated species selective binding to glycans coated on surfaces. These findings confirm for the first time the existence of relatively strong and species-specific recognition between surface glycans, a process that may have significant implications in cellular recognition.
PreprintSelf-recognition and Ca2+-dependent carbohydrate–carbohydrate cell adhesion provide clues to the Cambrian explosion( 2009-07-17) Fernandez-Busquets, Xavier ; Kornig, Andre ; Bucior, Iwona ; Burger, Max M. ; Anselmetti, DarioThe Cambrian explosion of life was a relatively short period ca. 540 million years ago that marked a generalized acceleration in the evolution of most animal phyla, but the trigger of this key biological event remains elusive. Sponges are the oldest extant Precambrian metazoan phylum and thus a valid model to study factors that could have unleashed the rise of multicellular animals. One such factor is the advent of self/non-self recognition systems, which would be evolutionarily beneficial to organisms to prevent germ cell parasitism or the introduction of deleterious mutations resulting from fusion with genetically different individuals. However, the molecules responsible for allorecognition probably evolved gradually before the Cambrian period, and some other (external) factor remains to be identified as the missing triggering event. Sponge cells associate through calcium-dependent, multivalent carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions of the g200 glycan found on extracellular proteoglycans. Single molecule force spectroscopy analysis of g200-g200 binding indicates that calcium affects the lifetime (+Ca/-Ca: 680 s/3 s) and bond reaction length (+Ca/-Ca: 3.47 Å/2.27 Å). Calculation of mean g200 dissociation times in low and high calcium within the theoretical framework of a cooperative binding model indicates the non-linear and divergent characteristics leading to either disaggregated cells or stable multicellular assemblies, respectively. This fundamental phenomenon can explain a switch from weak to strong adhesion between primitive metazoan cells caused by the well documented rise in ocean calcium levels at the end of Precambrian time. We propose that stronger cell adhesion allowed the integrity of genetically uniform animals composed only of “self” cells, facilitating genetic constitutions to remain within the metazoan individual and be passed down inheritance lines. The Cambrian explosion might have been triggered by the coincidence in time of primitive animals endowed with self/non-self recognition, and of a surge in sea water calcium that increased the binding forces between their calcium-dependent cell adhesion molecules.
ArticleProteoglycan mechanics studied by single-molecule force spectroscopy of allotypic cell adhesion glycans(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2005-12-22) Garcia-Manyes, Sergi ; Bucior, Iwona ; Ros, Robert ; Anselmetti, Dario ; Sanz, Fausto ; Burger, Max M. ; Fernandez-Busquets, XavierEarly Metazoans had to evolve the first cell adhesion system addressed to maintaining stable interactions between cells constituting different individuals. As the oldest extant multicellular animals, sponges are good candidates to have remnants of the molecules responsible for that crucial innovation. Sponge cells associate in a species-specific process through multivalent calcium-dependent interactions of carbohydrate structures on an extracellular membrane-bound proteoglycan termed aggregation factor. Single-molecule force spectroscopy studies of the mechanics of aggregation factor self-binding indicate the existence of intermolecular carbohydrate adhesion domains. A 200-kDa aggregation factor glycan (g200) involved in cell adhesion exhibits interindividual differences in size and epitope content which suggest the existence of allelic variants. We have purified two of these g200 distinct forms from two individuals of the same sponge species. Comparison of allotypic versus isotypic g200 binding forces reveals significant differences. Surface plasmon resonance measurements show that g200 self-adhesion is much stronger than its binding to other unrelated glycans such as chondroitin sulfate. This adhesive specificity through multiple carbohydrate binding domains is a type of cooperative interaction that can contribute to explain some functions of modular proteoglycans in general. From our results it can be deduced that the binding strength/surface area between two aggregation factor molecules is comparable with that of focal contacts in vertebrate cells, indicating that strong carbohydrate-based cell adhesions evolved at the very start of Metazoan history.