Steven P.
Steven P.
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Technical ReportAcquisition, description and evaluation of atmospheric model products for the coastal mixing and optics experiments(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1997-03) Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Anderson, Steven P.Numerical weather forecasting model products were acquired for use in the Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Experiment to augment in situ observations of meteorological parameters (e.g., wind speed and direction, air temperature and relative humidity) at a moored array of buoys in the Middle Atlantic Bight. In this report, the Eta and Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) regional models are described and the two methods of acquisition via the Internet, the Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system and file transfer (FTP) from the NOAA Information Center's data server, are discussed. Processing and archival of the model data are also addressed. Data from the CMO central mooring and six National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoys in the Middle Atlantic bight were used to evaluate the accuracy of the model products. Comparisons between model and in situ wind speed, wind direction, barometrc pressure, air temperature and sea surface temperature were possible for all seven of the buoys. Since no moisture measurement was made from the NDBC buoys, comparisons of relative and specific humidity were only possible at the CMO buoy. Sensible and latent heat fluxes and global (net) radiation from the models were compared to estimates of heat fluxes and net radiation from the CMO central buoy.
Technical ReportCoastal mixing and optics experiment moored array data report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1999-12) Galbraith, Nancy R. ; Plueddemann, Albert J. ; Lentz, Steven J. ; Anderson, Steven P. ; Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Edson, James B.To investigate vertical mixing processes influencing the evolution of the stratification over continental shelves a moored array was deployed on the New England shelf from August 1996 to June 1997 as part of the Office of Naval Research's Coastal Mixing and Optics program. The array consisted of four mid-shelf sites instrumented to measure oceanic (currents, temperature, salinity, pressure, and surface gravity wave spectra) and meteorological (winds, surface heat flux, precipitation) variables. This report presents a description of the moored array, a summary of the data processing, and statistics and time-series plots summarizing the data. A report on the mooring recovery cruise and a summary of shipboard CTD surveys taken during the mooring deployment are also included.
DatasetCoastal mixing and optics moored array experiment(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1997-09) Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Anderson, Steven P.This 5 CDROM set contains in-situ and numerical weather prediction model data collected during the Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Experiment. These data were analyzed in a manuscript entitled "Evaluation of NCEP regional numerical weather prediction model surface fields over the Middle Atlantic Bight" which can be found in Postscript format on CDROM 1 in the "paper" directory. Three NWP models (the early Eta, meso Eta and RUC-1) were evaluated using in-situ meteorological observations and air-sea flux estimates from the central CMO buoy and six NDBC buoys. Based on these evaluations, gridded air-sea flux fields for use in the CMO experiment were generated from the meso Eta model surface fields. Both the original and adjusted meso Eta model surface fields can be found in this CDROM set. CDROM 1 contains all of the in-situ measurements as well as the model data extracted at each of the moored buoys. CDROM 1 also contains the AVHRR 14 km SST analysis from NCEP, the GCIP incoming surface shortwave product, plots of the 0, 3, 6 and 9 hour adjusted meso Eta forecasts for both the meteorology and air-sea fluxes and two QuickTime animations of the adjusted meso Eta model fields. CDROMs 2 and 3 contain the meso Eta model surface data acquired from NCEP archives and reformatted from GRIB to NetCDF. CDROMs 4 and 5 contain the CMO air-sea flux fields derived from the meso Eta surface fields. The source code of the program used to generate the CMO flux fields is in the "code" directory on CDROM 1.
Technical ReportPan American Climate Studies (PACS) data report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2000-03) Anderson, Steven P. ; Huang, Kelan ; Brink, Nancy J. ; Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Weller, Robert A.The surface mooring component of the NOAA Pan American Climate Study (PACS) took place from April 1997 to September 1998 in the eastern tropical Pacific. PACS was a NOAA funded study with the goal of investigating links between sea surface temperature variability in the tropical oceans near the Americas and climate over the American continents. Two air-sea interaction surface moorings were deployed along 125°W, spanning a strong meridional sea-surface temperature gradient. One mooring site was located in the cold tongue south of the equator, and the other site was in the region of warm ocean found north of the equator, near the northernmost summer location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The moorings were deployed to improve our understanding of air-sea fluxes and the procsses that control the evolution of the sea surface temperature field in the region. Four air-sea interaction buoys were deployed to occupy two sites for a period of 17 months. The sites were along 125°W near 3°S and 10°N. The Upper Ocean Processes Group at WHOI deployed the first two moorings in April 1997. These moorings were replaced with a second pair of moorings in December 1997. The final recovery occurred in September 1998. Each of these buoys on these moorings were equipped with meteorological instrumentation, including a Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and an Improved METeorological (IMET) system. The moorings also carried Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCMS), single point temperature recorders and a few conductivity sensors on the mooring line to monitor the upper 200m of the ocean. In addition to the traditional instruments, several other experimental instruments were deployed with limited success on the mooring line including acoustic current meters, acoustic rain gauges and bio-optical instrument packages. This report describes the instrumentation deployed on the PACS surface moorings, along with information on the processing and quality control of the returned data. It presents a detailed overview of the meteorological and physical oceanographic data including time series plots, statistics and spectra of key parameters. It also presents analysis of the estimated air-sea heat, moisture and momentum fluxes.
Technical ReportCoastal mixing and optics experiment : mooring deployment cruise report R/V Oceanus cruise number 284 31 July-11 August 1996(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1997-08) Galbraith, Nancy R. ; Ostrom, William M. ; Way, Bryan S. ; Lentz, Steven J. ; Anderson, Steven P. ; Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Plueddemann, Albert J. ; Edson, James B.An array of moorings at four sites at a mid-shelf location in the mid-Atlantic Bight was deployed for a period of 10 months beginning in August 1996 as part of the Coastal Mixing and Optics Experiment (CMO), funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The purpose of this array is to gather information to help identify and understand the vertical mixing processes influencing the evolution of the stratification over the shelf. The observations from this moored array will be used to investigate changes in the stratification in response to atmospheric forcing, surface gravity wave variabilty, surface and bottom boundary layer mixing, current shear, internal waves, and advection. This report describes the primary mooring deployments carried out by the Upper Ocean Processes (UOP) Group on the R/V Oceanus, sailing out of Woods Hole during July, August, and September of 1996.