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ArticleMass-induced sea level change in the northwestern North Pacific and its contribution to total sea level change(John Wiley & Sons, 2013-08-02) Cheng, Xuhua ; Li, Lijuan ; Du, Yan ; Wang, Jing ; Huang, Rui XinOver the period 2003–2011, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite pair revealed a remarkable variability in mass-induced sea surface height (MSSH) in the northwestern North Pacific. A significant correlation is found between MSSH and observed total sea surface height (SSH), indicative of the importance of barotropic variability in this region. For the period 2003–2011, MSSH rose at a rate of 6.1 ± 0.7 mm/yr, which has a significant contribution to the SSH rise (8.3 ± 0.7 mm/yr). Analysis of the barotropic vorticity equation based on National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis product, GRACE, and altimetry data suggests that the MSSH signal is primarily caused by negative wind stress curl associated with an anomalous anticyclonic atmospheric circulation. Regression analysis indicates that trends in MSSH and surface wind are related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, whose index had a decreasing trend in the last decade.
ArticleAsynchronous release sites align with NMDA receptors in mouse hippocampal synapses(Nature Research, 2021-01-29) Li, Shuo ; Raychaudhuri, Sumana ; Lee, Stephen Alexander ; Brockmann, Marisa M. ; Wang, Jing ; Kusick, Grant ; Prater, Christine ; Syed, Sarah ; Falahati, Hanieh ; Ramos, Raul ; Bartol, Tomas M. ; Hosy, Eric ; Watanabe, ShigekiNeurotransmitter is released synchronously and asynchronously following an action potential. Our recent study indicates that the release sites of these two phases are segregated within an active zone, with asynchronous release sites enriched near the center in mouse hippocampal synapses. Here we demonstrate that synchronous and asynchronous release sites are aligned with AMPA receptor and NMDA receptor clusters, respectively. Computational simulations indicate that this spatial and temporal arrangement of release can lead to maximal membrane depolarization through AMPA receptors, alleviating the pore-blocking magnesium leading to greater activation of NMDA receptors. Together, these results suggest that release sites are likely organized to activate NMDA receptors efficiently.
ArticleA Maluku Sea intermediate western boundary current connecting Pacific Ocean circulation to the Indonesian Throughflow(Nature Research, 2022-04-19) Yuan, Dongliang ; Yin, Xueli ; Li, Xiang ; Corvianawatie, Corry ; Wang, Zheng ; Li, Yao ; Yang, Ya ; Hu, Xiaoyue ; Wang, Jing ; Tan, Shuwen ; Surinati, Dewi ; Purwandana, Adi ; Wardana, Adhitya Kusuma ; Ismail, Mochamad Furqon Azis ; Budiman, Asep S. ; Bayhaqi, Ahmad ; Avianto, Praditya ; Santoso, Priyadi Dwi ; Kusmanto, Edi ; Dirhamsyah, Dirham ; Arifin, Zainal ; Pratt, Lawrence J.The Indonesian Throughflow plays an important role in the global ocean circulation and climate. Existing studies of the Indonesian Throughflow have focused on the Makassar Strait and the exit straits, where the upper thermocline currents carry North Pacific waters to the Indian Ocean. Here we show, using mooring observations, that a previous unknown intermediate western boundary current (with the core at ~1000 m depth) exists in the Maluku Sea, which transports intermediate waters (primarily the Antarctic Intermediate Water) from the Pacific into the Seram-Banda Seas through the Lifamatola Passage above the bottom overflow. Our results suggest the importance of the western boundary current in global ocean intermediate circulation and overturn. We anticipate that our study is the beginning of more extensive investigations of the intermediate circulation of the Indo-Pacific ocean in global overturn, which shall improve our understanding of ocean heat and CO2 storages significantly.
ArticleVariation in genome content and predatory phenotypes between Bdellovibrio sp. NC01 isolated from soil and B. bacteriovorus type strain HD100(Microbiology Society, 2019-12-01) Williams, Laura E. ; Cullen, Nicole ; DeGiorgis, Joseph A. ; Martinez, Karla J. ; Mellone, Justina ; Oser, Molly ; Wang, Jing ; Zhang, YingDefining phenotypic and associated genotypic variation among Bdellovibrio may further our understanding of how this genus attacks and kills different Gram-negative bacteria. We isolated Bdellovibrio sp. NC01 from soil. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences and average amino acid identity showed that NC01 belongs to a different species than the type species bacteriovorus. By clustering amino acid sequences from completely sequenced Bdellovibrio and comparing the resulting orthologue groups to a previously published analysis, we defined a ‘core genome’ of 778 protein-coding genes and identified four protein-coding genes that appeared to be missing only in NC01. To determine how horizontal gene transfer (HGT) may have impacted NC01 genome evolution, we performed genome-wide comparisons of Bdellovibrio nucleotide sequences, which indicated that eight NC01 genomic regions were likely acquired by HGT. To investigate how genome variation may impact predation, we compared protein-coding gene content between NC01 and the B. bacteriovorus type strain HD100, focusing on genes implicated as important in successful killing of prey. Of these, NC01 is missing ten genes that may play roles in lytic activity during predation. Compared to HD100, NC01 kills fewer tested prey strains and kills Escherichia coli ML35 less efficiently. NC01 causes a smaller log reduction in ML35, after which the prey population recovers and the NC01 population decreases. In addition, NC01 forms turbid plaques on lawns of E. coli ML35, in contrast to clear plaques formed by HD100. Linking phenotypic variation in interactions between Bdellovibrio and Gram-negative bacteria with underlying Bdellovibrio genome variation is valuable for understanding the ecological significance of predatory bacteria and evaluating their effectiveness in clinical applications.
PreprintA sialylated voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel binds hemagglutinin and mediates influenza a virus entry into mammalian cells( 2018-04) Fujioka, Yoichiro ; Nishide, Shinya ; Ose, Toyoyuki ; Suzuki, Tadaki ; Kato, Izumi ; Fukuhara, Hideo ; Fujioka, Mari ; Horiuchi, Kosui ; Satoh, Aya O. ; Nepal, Prabha ; Kashiwagi, Sayaka ; Wang, Jing ; Horiguchi, Mika ; Sato, Yuko ; Paudel, Sarad ; Nanbo, Asuka ; Miyazaki, Tadaaki ; Hasegawa, Hideki ; Maenaka, Katsumi ; Ohba, YusukeInfluenza A virus (IAV) infection is initiated by the attachment of the viral glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA) to sialic acid on the host cell surface. However, the sialic acid– containing receptor crucial for IAV infection has remained unidentified. Here we show that HA binds to the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel Cav1.2 to trigger intracellular Ca2+ oscillations and subsequent IAV entry and replication. IAV entry was inhibited by Ca2+ channel blockers (CCBs) or by knockdown of Cav1.2. The CCB diltiazem also inhibited virus replication in vivo. Reintroduction of wild-type but not the glycosylation-deficient mutants of Cav1.2 restored Ca2+ oscillations and virus infection in Cav1.2-depleted cells, demonstrating the significance of Cav1.2 sialylation. Taken together, we identify Cav1.2 as a sialylated host cell surface receptor that binds HA and is critical for IAV entry.