Richard C.
Search Results
Teleseismic earthquake wavefields observed on the ross ice shelf
Near-surface environmentally forced changes in the Ross Ice Shelf observed with ambient seismic noise
Seasonal and spatial variations in the ocean-coupled ambient wavefield of the Ross Ice Shelf
Near-surface seismic anisotropy in Antarctic glacial snow and ice revealed by high-frequency ambient noise
Ross ice shelf vibrations
Ross ice shelf icequakes associated with ocean gravity wave activity
Ice shelf structure derived from dispersion curve analysis of ambient seismic noise, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Tsunami and infragravity waves impacting Antarctic ice shelves
Tidal and thermal stresses drive seismicity along a major Ross Ice Shelf rift
Ocean-excited plate waves in the Ross and Pine Island Glacier ice shelves
The crust and upper mantle structure of central and West Antarctica from Bayesian inversion of Rayleigh Wave and receiver functions
Ross ice shelf displacement and elastic plate waves induced by Whillans ice stream slip events