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PreprintSulfide enrichment at an oceanic crust-mantle transition zone : Kane Megamullion (23°N, MAR)( 2018-03) Ciazela, Jakub ; Koepke, Juergen ; Dick, Henry J. B. ; Botcharnikov, Roman ; Muszynski, Andrzej ; Lazarov, Marina ; Schuth, Stephan ; Pieterek, Bartosz ; Kuhn, ThomasThe Kane Megamullion oceanic core complex located along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (23°30′N, 45°20′W) exposes lower crust and upper mantle directly on the ocean floor. We studied chalcophile elements and sulfides in the ultramafic and mafic rocks of the crust-mantle transition and the mantle underneath. We determined mineralogical and elemental composition and the Cu isotope composition of the respective sulfides along with the mineralogical and elemental composition of the respective serpentines. The rocks of the crust-mantle transition zone (i.e., plagioclase harzburgite, peridotite-gabbro contacts, and dunite) overlaid by troctolites are by one order of magnitude enriched in several chalcophile elements with respect to the spinel harzburgites of the mantle beneath. Whereas the range of Cu concentrations in spinel harzburgites is 7–69 ppm, the Cu concentrations are highly elevated in plagioclase harzburgites with a range of 90–209 ppm. The zones of the peridotite-gabbro contacts are even more enriched, exhibiting up to 305 ppm Cu and highly elevated concentrations of As, Zn, Ga, Sb and Tl. High Cu concentrations show pronounced correlation with bulk S concentrations at the crust-mantle transition zone implying an enrichment process in this horizon of the oceanic lithosphere. We interpret this enrichment as related to melt-mantle reaction, which is extensive in crust-mantle transition zones. In spite of the ubiquitous serpentinization of primary rocks, we found magmatic chalcopyrites [CuFeS2] as inclusions in plagioclase as well as associated with pentlandite [(Fe,Ni)9S8] and pyrrhotite [Fe1−xS] in polysulfide grains. These chalcopyrites show a primary magmatic δ65Cu signature ranging from −0.04 to +0.29 ‰. Other chalcopyrites have been dissolved during serpentinization. Due to the low temperature (<300 °C) of circulating fluids chalcophile metals from primary sulfides have not been mobilized and transported away but have been trapped in smaller secondary sulfides and hydroxides. Combined with the Cu deposits documented in the crust-mantle transition zones of various ophiolite complexes, our results indicate that the metal enrichment, increased sulfide modes, and potentially formation of small sulfide deposits could be expected globally along the petrological Moho.
ArticleOxidising agents in sub-arc mantle melts link slab devolatilisation and arc magmas(Nature Publishing Group, 2018-08-29) Bénard, Antoine ; Klimm, Kevin ; Woodland, Alan B. ; Arculus, Richard J. ; Wilke, Max ; Botcharnikov, Roman ; Shimizu, Nobumichi ; Nebel, Oliver ; Rivard, Camille ; Ionov, Dmitri A.Subduction zone magmas are more oxidised on eruption than those at mid-ocean ridges. This is attributed either to oxidising components, derived from subducted lithosphere (slab) and added to the mantle wedge, or to oxidation processes occurring during magma ascent via differentiation. Here we provide direct evidence for contributions of oxidising slab agents to melts trapped in the sub-arc mantle. Measurements of sulfur (S) valence state in sub-arc mantle peridotites identify sulfate, both as crystalline anhydrite (CaSO4) and dissolved SO42− in spinel-hosted glass (formerly melt) inclusions. Copper-rich sulfide precipitates in the inclusions and increased Fe3+/∑Fe in spinel record a S6+–Fe2+ redox coupling during melt percolation through the sub-arc mantle. Sulfate-rich glass inclusions exhibit high U/Th, Pb/Ce, Sr/Nd and δ34S (+ 7 to + 11‰), indicating the involvement of dehydration products of serpentinised slab rocks in their parental melt sources. These observations provide a link between liberated slab components and oxidised arc magmas.
PreprintThin crust and exposed mantle control sulfide differentiation in slow-spreading ridge magmas( 2017-07) Ciazela, Jakub ; Dick, Henry J. B. ; Koepke, Juergen ; Pieterek, Bartosz ; Muszynski, Andrzej ; Botcharnikov, Roman ; Kuhn, ThomasGabbroic veins enclosed in mantle peridotite from ocean core complexes next to oceanic transform faults demonstrate sub-crustal crystallization of silicate minerals from a MORB-like melt. Cooler lithosphere there may also affect sulfide crystallization and the metal budget of the lower and upper crust but the related sulfide behavior is poorly understood. Here, we use chalcophile elements to trace sulfide crystallization in a suite of MORB's erupted at the Kane Megamullion south of the Kane Fracture Zone along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Cool lithosphere there is inferred from a low magma supply, and lithostratigraphic evidence for thin crust with abundant mantle rock exposed to the seafloor (Dick et al., 2008). We show that the concentrations of Cu, Zn, As, Ga, Pb, Sb and Tl in the Kane Megamullion MORB's rise linearly with melt differentiation expressed by decreasing MgO and Ni content. The low-pressure fractional crystallization within the crust thus occurs at sulfur-undersaturated conditions. Sulfur-undersaturated MORB's are unusual. At the Kane Megamullion, however, the thin crust allows melt to more extensively interact with the shallow and serpentinized mantle. We argue that sulfur and chalcophile elements have been lost from the melt due to sulfide crystallization during melt-rock reaction in the shallow mantle.