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ArticlePrimary U distribution in scleractinian corals and its implications for U series dating(American Geophysical Union, 2006-05-24) Robinson, Laura F. ; Adkins, Jess F. ; Fernandez, Diego P. ; Burnett, Donald S. ; Wang, S.-L. ; Gagnon, Alexander C. ; Krakauer, NirIn this study we use microsampling techniques to explore diagenetic processes in carbonates. These processes are important as they can affect the accuracy of U series chronometry. Fission track maps of deep-sea scleractinian corals show a threefold difference between the minimum and maximum [U] in modern corals, which is reduced to a factor of 2 in fossil corals. We use micromilling and MC-ICP-MS to make detailed analyses of the [U] and δ234Uinitial distributions in corals from 218 ka to modern. Within each fossil coral we observe a large range of δ234Uinitial values, with high δ234Uinitial values typically associated with low [U]. A simple model shows that this observation is best explained by preferential movement of alpha-decay produced 234U atoms (alpha-recoil diffusion). Open-system addition of 234U may occur when alpha-recoil diffusion is coupled with a high [U] surface layer, such as organic material. This process can result in large, whole-coral δ234Uinitial elevations with little effect on the final age. The diagenetic pathways that we model are relevant to both shallow-water and deep-sea scleractinian corals since both exhibit primary [U] heterogeneity and may be subject to U addition.