Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale)
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Still ImageKogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - UMA-4877(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2022-05-18)Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - UMA-4877 - female - 2.85 m - Pelvic location - UMass Amherst
Still ImageKogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - UF-15228(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2022-05-18)Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - UF-15228 - female - unknown length - Pelvic location - University of Florida
Still ImageKogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - AMNH-35912(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2022-05-18)Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - AMNH-35912 -unknown sex - unknown length - Pelvic location - American Museum of Natural History
Still ImageKogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - AMNH-215172(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2022-05-18)Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) - AMNH-215172 - -unknown sex - unknown length - Pelvic location - American Museum of Natural History