This supplement contains a table of small earthquakes reported near the Enriquillo Fault system from the 18th century to the early 21st century. Figures S1 – S5 compare the MI results using the method of Bakun and Wentworth (1999) with the instrumental location of these earthquakes. Figures S6 – S10 compare the results from two sets of MMI assignments, those of C.H. Flores (CHF) and W.H. Bakun (WHB) discussed in the main paper. At the bottom of the page are the accompanying references for both the table and figures.
Table S1. A list of small earthquakes possibly on the Enriquillo Fault System from the 18th century to 21st century.
Figure S1. January 12, 2010, M7.0 Haiti main shock. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. Epicenter is a black star. The Intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line.
Figure S2. January 20, 2010 Haiti M5.9 aftershock. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The epicenter is a black star. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line.
Figure S3. February 22, 2010 M4.7 Haiti aftershock. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The epicenter is a black star. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line.
Figure S4. October 28, 1952 earthquake. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line, here beneath the intensity center. Sykes and Ewing's (1965) epicenter is shown as a black star.
Figure S5. May 12, 2005 earthquake. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The epicenter is a black star. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line.
Figure S6. November 9, 1701 earthquake. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line. The epicenter for the January 12, 2010 main shock is shown as a black star. Figure S6a are results from MMI assignments by CHF and figure S6b are the results for MMI assignments by WHB.
Figure S7. October 18, 1751 earthquake. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 95% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a dashed green line. Santo Domingo = SD. The unfilled black triangle in b) is the intensity center if MMI VIII, rather than VII, at Santo Domingo is used. Figure S7a are results from MMI assignments by CHF and figure S7b are the results for MMI assignments by WHB.
Figure S8. November 21, 1751 earthquake. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line. The epicenter of the 2010 main shock is shown as a black star. Figure S8a are results from MMI assignments by CHF and figure S8b are the results for MMI assignments by WHB.
Figure S9. June 3, 1770 earthquake. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line. Figure S9a are the results for MMI assignments by CHF and figure S9b are the results for MMI assignments by WHB.
Figure S10. April 8, 1860 earthquake. Black circles are sites with MMI assignments with symbol size increasing with MMI. Black lines are active fault traces. The intensity center is a green filled triangle. Contours of MI are dashed red lines. The rms [MI] contour corresponding to the 67% confidence contours for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) is a green line. Figure S10a are results from MMI assignments by CHF and figure S10b are results for MMI assignments by WHB.
Bakun, W. H., and C. M. Wentworth (1999). Erratum to Estimating earthquake Location and Magnitude from Seismic Intensity Data, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 89, 557.
Baltenweck, R. (1938). Macrosismes (sic), Bulletin Annuel de l'Observatoire Météorologique du Séminaire Collège St. Martial Port-au-Prince, Haiti Années 1933 et 1934, 108.
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