This readme file was generated on 2024-09-04 by Susan E. Wijffels, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Mesoscale Ocean Circulation Atlas (MOCA2000_2020) Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Susan E. Wijffels ORCID: ( Institution: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Address: 298 Woods Hole Rd, Woods Hole MA 02539 Email: Date of data collection: 2000-01-01 to 2020-21-31 Geographic location of data collection: 80S to 80N, global Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: United States National Science Foundation OCE 1830007; United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 international. The product can be used without restriction provided it is attributed correctly: Wijffels, S. E., Gebbie, G. A., Robbins, P. E. (2024). Mesoscale Ocean Circulation Atlas [Data set]. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Base data sources: Argo (2022). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) [Dataset]. SEANOE. We used the 6 hourly kriged data set described by Lumpkin and Centurioni (2019) (, accessed in February 2021. The CTD data set CORA (version 5.2), gridded wind (CMEMS-WIND-PUM-012-006) and sea level products are available from the Copernicus Marine Environment and Monitoring Service (  Recommended scientific citation for this dataset: Wijffels, S. E. , G. Gebbie and P. E. Robbins, 2024: Resolving the ubiquitous small-scale semi-permanent features of the general ocean  circulation: a multiplatform observational approach. J. Phys. Oceangr. (accepted) DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: MOCA_Readme (this file) METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Fields are found by applying a robust parametric fit to Argo profiles (2000-2020, Dec 2021 download) augmented with CORA(CMEMS) ship, animal and glider data: fit on 82 pressure levels: mean (2010) + trend(change/decade). DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Twenty-year means (centered at Jan 1, 2010) and their standard errors are available. Standard Errors are supplied for each variable except: meridional velocity near the equator SE=2.0; zonal velocity near equator SE=1.0 Regions where the mapped error is large and in the Arctic, Andaman, Indonesian Seas, we use the values from Gouretski, V., 2018: World Ocean Circulation Experiment-Argo Global Hydrographic Climatology, Ocean Sci., 14, 1127–1146, These infilled points are marked by SE=-999 Grid: 0.5 degrees in longitude and 0.25 degrees in latitude, 82 pressure levels. Number of variables: 6 Note that all variables use the EOS80 Variable List: Practical Salinity (PSAL) in PSU Potential Temperature (PTMP) in ^oCelcisu Potential Density Anomaly (relative to 1000dbar) (SIGMA1) in kgm^(-3) Northward total geostrophic velocity (VGEO) in ms^(-1) Eastward total geostrophic velocity (UGEO) in ms^(-1) Total Geopotential Anomaly (GPAN) in m^2s^(-2) Missing data codes: 99999