Auxiliary material for Paper 2010GL042715 Vertical Heat Flux and Lateral Mass Transport in Nonlinear Internal Waves Emily L. Shroyer, James N. Moum, and Jonathan D. Nash College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University Shroyer, E. L., J. N. Moum, J. D. Nash (2010), Vertical heat flux and lateral mass transport in nonlinear internal waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L08601, doi:10.1029/2010GL042715. Introduction The auxiliary material details the merit of the w_c^2 criteria used in this study to identify nonlinear internal waves in the fixed adcp record. 1. 2010gl042715-fs01.tif Shown is one day's time series of temperature, onshore velocity, and vertical velocity at mooring SW29. Times selected using w_c^2 = 4e-4 m^2 s^-2 are marked in black at top; less/more restrictive measures (2e-4 m^2 s^-2/8e-4 m^2 s^-2) are shown in grey below/above the black markers. Note w_c^2=4e-4 m^2 s^-2 is conservative, as it misses waves that are apparent by eye (e.g., 1830 UTC 4 August 2006). The threshold w_c^2=4e-4 m^2 s^-2 detects NLIWs at the moorings consistent with those waves observed from the ship that were used to compute the mean profile of heat flux in the waves (J_q^w). Using the less restrictive limit, waves weaker than the median observed from the ship would be included in the calculation of P^w, providing a less conservative estimate of the NLIW contribution to the total heat flux. The more restrictive criteria was not used because many waves that were energetically weaker were included in the average profile of J_q^w. The w_c^2 threshold selects for times of steep, nonlinear waves, which are associated with the majority of the dissipative loss, and correspondingly the largest turbulent diffusivities and heat fluxes. Since we are attempting to quantify a process driven by vertical mixing, this approach seems reasonable. In contrast, if we were attempting to estimate the energy content in the waves this type of method would not be useful, as the NLIWs and the internal tide are intricately linked to one another. Here, we may underestimate the NLIW contribution to the total heat flux, since we establish w_c^2=4e-4 m^2 s^-2 from the median of the ship observations. However, the energy source of the NLIWs is itself the tide, and as such this work quantifies only a small portion of what is ultimately tidally-driven mixing.