Auxiliary material for Paper 2007GL031067 Mantle flow and melting underneath oblique and ultraslow mid-ocean ridges Laurent G. J. Montesi Department of Geology, University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland, USA Mark D. Behn Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA Montesi, L. G. J., and M. D. Behn (2007), Mantle flow and melting underneath oblique and ultraslow mid-ocean ridges, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L24307, doi:10.1029/2007GL031067. INTRODUCTION Auxiliary material includes a table reporting the location of each ridge segment discussed in the manuscript and their characteristics, compiled from literature, Table S1; the list of references used too build this table but not appearing in the main text, Text S1; and a world map on which each ridge segment location is reported, Figure S1. 1. 2007gl031067-ts01.txt Location and characteristics of mid-ocean ridge segments appearing in Figure 2. 1.1 Column "Ridge", name of the entire ridge to which this segment belongs 1.2 Column "Lon", degree E, Longitude of reference point for this segment 1.3 Column "Lat", degree N, Latitude of reference point for this segment 1.4 Column "VP", mm/yr, spreading half rate between the two plates at this point. An asterisk means that the spreading rate was calculated using W. Menke's Spreading Rate calculator, accessible online at Otherwise, spreading rate from reference in last colum. 1.5 Column "Gamma", degrees, obliquity angle measured between the plate spreading direction and the direction normal to the ridge 1.6 Column "VE", mm/yr, Ve defined in text as the plate seperation half-rate (column 1.3) multiplied by the cosine of the obliquity angle (column 1.4) 1.7 Column "Morph", Ridge morphology classification as U (ultraslow), T (transitional), S (slow), or ? unknown 1.8 Column "Reference", paper in which the data used to determine the morphology of each ridge segment was published. The full reference is either in the main text or in the auxiliary text 2. 2007gl031067-txts01.txt References used in Table S1 that do not appear in the main text. 3. 2007gl031067-fs01.eps Location map for the mid-ocean ridge segments reported Figure 2 of the main text and in the Auxiliary Materials in Table S1. Segments with obliquity less than 15¡ are marked with a diamond, those with obliquity higher than 15¡ are marked with a star. The color correspond to slow (white), transitional (orange), and ultraslow (red) morphology