Auxiliary material for paper 2006gl026125 Size distribution of submarine landslides and its implication to tsunami hazard in Puerto Rico Uri S. ten Brink U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA Eric L. Geist, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Coastal and Marine Geology, Menlo Park, California, USA Brian D. Andrews U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA ten Brink, U. S., E. L. Geist, and B. D. Andrews (2006), Size distribution of submarine landslides and its implication to tsunami hazard in Puerto Rico, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33 (11), L11307, doi:10.1029/2006GL026125. Introduction These files provide additional detailed information supporting the paper. The text provides additional details of the tsunami models and references pertaining to these details. Table S1 lists the parameters used for the different sensitivity model runs, described in the paper. Figure S1 plots the volume-area ratio and the cumulative volume of 63 debris lobes in the Storegga slide, that were discussed in the text. Figure S2 shows the dependence of runup height on the slide duration, assumed in the various models listed in Table S1. Figure S3 shows an example of the model setup and the calculated maximum wave height. 1. 2006gl026125-ts01.txt Parameters of different model sensitivity runs. 2. 2006gl026125-txts01.txt Details of tsunami modeling. 3. 2006gl026125-fs01.eps (a) Relationship between volume and area of 63 submarine debris lobes in the Storegga slide (from tabulation given by Halfidason et al. [2005]). Black diamonds - Maximum volume estimates. Open circles - Minimum volume estimates. Black line - best fit line to the maximum estimates. (b) Cumulative volume distribution of the debris lobes. Symbols as in Figure S1a. 4. 2006gl026125-fs02.eps Sensitivity tests showing the dependence of runup calculations on the assumed slide duration and on approximate slide velocity. All tests were calculated for the landslide shown in Figure 1b with a width of 22 km. 5. 2006gl026125-fs03.eps (top) Bathymetry of part of the Arecibo amphitheater-shaped scarp and a simple representation of the largest slope failure in the study area (See Figure 1). Yellow region - onshore Puerto Rico. (bottom) Maximum wave height calculated by the hydrodynamic simulation during an 800 s model run. Failure duration, t = 133 s. Note wave dispresion and a much larger amplitude propagating with the direction of the slide and away from shore.